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5 years later

I stood next to Alyssa, watching her and Matt pull away from their kiss. I smiled, watching them both glowing from excitement. Cameron and Isabella are in the third row with their daughter Lily. Sam and Jenn were beside them their son Ben and Jenn's pregnant stomach with their daughter Gracie. Andrea and Kian broke up soon after Taylor and I so we took a month off to Australia and had a ton of fun.

Matt and Alyssa are finally married, something we've all been waiting on. Sydney and Nash are actually dating now, we think Nash might pop the question soon.

Lia and JC didn't last too long, they broke up long before Taylor and I and now she is currently single again, but she's happy. JC is happily traveling the world, visiting all the places he wanted to go.

As for me, I was single but happy, Taylor stopped trying to contact me after a month of me ignoring him, and I dated here and there, but nothing serious. I'm glad I'm not letting a man get in the way of what I'm doing. I'm doing more movies, things that are actually in theaters and are more for adults than children, and it's a blast.

I've gotten a few awards I am incredibly proud of, seeing them on my shelf in my apartment every day reminds me of what I can accomplish without a man beside me.

I do eventually want to get married but I'm in no rush to. I've had so much fun traveling for what I've filmed, I start a new show soon, I'm the main character and I'm super excited about it.

I've had a successful last few years and I've been happy. Taylor cheating on me didn't mess with me too bad and I'm glad. I've been a lot more cautious about going out on dates and being with guys, but now I know what to look at.

I guess what I'm trying to say is: don't let a man run your life, you do that yourself and you'll get so much further.


And the book is officially finished! Kinda just wrote the last 3 and a half chapters in the last few hours but hey! I finished the book! I hope you liked it and don't forget to vote and follow me! Also check out some of my newer books, they are written a lot better and if you like 5sos and 1d you'll definitely like them!

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