Chapter 6

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Alyssa's POV

"Babe?" Matt comes out of the bathroom, a toothbrush sticking out of his mouth. I look up at him sleepily. It was way too early. "Are you dropping me off or am I going alone?" I shrug, putting the pillow over my head. "Alyssa, it's going to be okay. I promise you." "You're not the one who lost the baby. This is all on me Matt." "Alyssa. Please, c'mon. Come with me to my parents house this weekend."

I sit up, looking at Matt, tears starting to form. "I can't Matt. I haven't even told my parents that I had a miscarriage." "We can tell them together Alyssa." I shake my head. "Please Alyssa." He begs. "I can't Matt." "Yes, you can, I believe in you!" I shake my head again, covering my mouth with one hand and scooting back so I'm leaning against the headboard.

"It hurts Matt." I say quietly, not looking at him. "The doctor said you would have a little discomfort." "Not that Matt." I look up at him. "Every time I look at you, I'm reminded of the baby and it hurts so bad! I killed a living thing Matt and I can't forgive myself for that." "Alyssa, you didn't kill it. Miscarriages are terrible things that happen to the best of people. Don't blame yourself for this." "If I had just taken care of my body when I was younger we wouldn't be in this stupid mess Matt."

"Alyssa, just listen to me. I love you to pieces and it hurts me to see you pulling yourself apart at the seams because of this. It's not your fault and it never will be, okay? I get that you'll need time to get over this because I know I do, but the best way to get over something is doing it with friends and family. More importantly someone you love and who loves you back. I'm not going to leave you alone. I really want to you come home with me this weekend."

He wiped away my tears. "On one condition." I sniffle. "Anything." "We postpone the wedding for a few years." I say quietly, not looking him in the eye. "I-is that what you really want?" "I love you Matt, really, but with all this stress of the wedding, plus the baby, I need some time, and we're both so young, everyone's saying we're doing this way too early, and I'm starting to agree with them. I just think it'd be better if we waited for our careers to get a stronger hold on everything." "But we'll still get married?" "Eventually." Hopefully. "Then we can wait." He smiles. I give him a weak one in return.

"Let's get you packed." He pulls me up from the bed and I stand up slowly.


Hannah's POV

"Taylor, Fiona's here." I call him. "While we wait for him, do you want anything to drink?" "I'll just have some water. Thank you." I quickly get her water and when I come back Taylor and her are chatting.

"Alright, when do you guys want to plan the wedding date for?" "We were thinking July?" "That's a very popular month, would it be a church wedding?" We both nod. "I can look into the churches around the area, but most are already booked." "What about early August?" "That may work a bit better, people tend to plan vacations then so it'd be easy to get different places." I turn to Taylor. "Do you just want to do early August the?" "I'm okay with it if you are."

"Okay, if July doesn't work then early August would be fine." "I will look into that and get back to you within the week. "Thank you." "Do you guys have your wedding party planned out?" "Somewhat, we know who we are asking, we just need to ask a few of them still." "Alright, so who's the maid of honor? And have you asked her." "I've asked her and she said she was honored, her name is Andrea Russett." "And your other bridesmaids?" "Jenn McAllister, and she's good to go, Alyssa Carlson is a good to go and Lia Marie Johnson is a good to go."

"And the groomsmen?" "Sam Pottorff is a good to go, Matthew Espinosa is a good to go and Cameron Dallas is a good to go." "And your man of honor is?" "Dillon Rupp." "Wonderful, will you have flower girls and a ring bearer?" "My little brother is the ring bearer, and Hannah's cousins are the flower girls." "Cute."

"How old will you guys be at the time of the wedding?" "23 and Taylor will be 22." "But that's if it's in August." "Right." I nod. "A young wedding, those are always so beautiful." She smiles. "Do you guys know the color scheme?" "We are still a bit indecisive, but we have it down to 2 colors."

"I want a red back and white theme." Taylor says. "I want a teal black and white theme." "If it's in August, red would be a better choice since it goes with fall, but I guess out here it wouldn't matter too much, but teal would be a good choice for either month." She comments. Well you're a lot of help. "Which is more common? Red or teal?" "Red since it's an easier color to choose."

I want a different wedding, not something that everyone does. "We can come back to colors too, you have some time. But wedding dresses, I advise you to go out and start looking at the type you want, you don't have to schedule any fittings for about 8 months, but just choosing the type, like either a princess, a mermaid, that kind of choice, and if you'll do an intricate veil or a simple one, and then start trying out different hairstyles you'll want to do."

"For my bridesmaids, it's okay if they all have different hair styles right?" "That's normal for the bridesmaids to do, it's cool if they are all the same, but it looks fine if they aren't, just try and either have them all in an up-do or all down." "Gotcha."

"And honeymoon: where are you thinking?" "London." We say in sync. "I take it you both want to go there?" "It's my dream to go there and Taylor really wanted to be the guy who took me so it's our honeymoon." "I'll start looking at hotels there." "Thank you." I smile.

"I think that's all I'm going to start with for now, you guys have a great start on this wedding." "Thank you." I smile at her. "How about we meet at my office in about a onto to discuss things further?" "Sounds good." "Have a good rest of your day." I tell her.

"She's very perky." Taylor says after she left. I nod. "I really think we should do a red black and white wedding." He grins. I groan. "Taylor, really? It's so cliche! I want to be unique!" "Let's do purple then, it's right in between." "Wait, what?" "Purple. I'm rounding teal to blue and purples in the middle of blue and red so let's do purple."

"What kind of purple? Like a lilac or something deeper?" "Deeper, lilac is a spring color... I think." I giggle, nodding. "They just can't look better than I do." Taylor grins, pretending to slick back his hair. "Oh, that could never happen." I laugh. "You're making fun of me." "I am not." "Yes you are! Don't make fun of me!" He goes to tickle me and I squeal, trying to get away.

He pulls me back onto his lap. "I love you." "I love you too." I press my lips to his and smile halfway through.


I got my wisdom teeth out so this is probs really bad but hey! I'm 16 in 10 days!

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