Chapter 3

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Karlie arrived at her off-campus apartment and found Cara playing her video games with her feet on the glass coffee table-- a glass coffee table that cost both of them a pretty penny, Karlie would like to add.

She shrugged off her bag and kicked off her shoes, but later she'd have to pick it all up. Then she lazily made the small journey to the kitchen.

Tonight it was her turn to prepare the dinner, though she swore that she did it last time. Either way, she didn't particularly care, preparing food was the only chore she enjoyed.

Karlie took a quick look at the fridge's contents. It was fully stocked, which lead Karlie to believe that Cara had done some shopping. It was always a bad thing when Cara did the shopping, she'd by more candy and snack related things instead of actual food. But Cara would defend that sweets were in fact food, hence why they were edible.

"Any requests?" Karlie called over her shoulder.

When no response came, she stood and leaned over the breakfast counter.

"Cara," she snapped her fingers together. "Cara!"

Karlie blindly grabbed for something to get the girl's attention. She balled up a washcloth and tossed it at Cara's head.

It hit her shoulder, but Karlie figured it was close enough to her goal.

Her attention drawn, Cara pulled off the bulky headset and turned to her roomie. "Karlie, I was in the middle of beating the shite outta teenage boys!"

The brunette laughed and went back to the opened fridge. "What do you want for dinner?"

"Anything with a little bacon." Came Cara's mumbled response.

The blonde returned her attention to the game at hand, shouting profanities into her Bluetooth.

Karlie fetched the ingredients for a vegetarian stir fry for herself, and a bacon and egg breakfast meal for Cara.

Dinner was ready by the time Cara's game came to an end. She went to help Karlie transfer the food from the kitchen to the dinning room table, eating the majority of it on the way.

Karlie released an exhausted sigh when she fell into her chair. She had gone hours without sitting down.

In between bites, the two talked about their break. Cara had spent it with her family in England, while Karlie was with hers in Missouri.

When the conversation died down, neither of the two bothered to keep it going. They stayed silent not because they weren't friendly towards one another, but because they knew each other well enough to know when talking just wasn't necessary.

While Karlie was finishing the remains on her plate, Cara gasp at something on her phone. The outburst caused Karlie to arch an eyebrow at her friend.

"You met Taylor Swift!?" Cara all but shoved the screen into Karlie's face.

She lowered the hand so the phone was at eye-level. Flashing back at her was a picture of she and Taylor trading back their phones. The bold letters above read: *Taylor Swift gets stranger's phone number.*

Karlie's eyebrows pulled together and her eyes scanned over the article, which claimed that they had many 'inside sources.'

When was that picture taken? Would Taylor be upset that she was apart of another stupid rumor? She worriedly wondered.

"Well?" Cara retracted her phone and stared expectantly at Karlie. "What the hell happened?"

"We accidentally switched phones." Karlie rested her face between both of her hands, lips pouted as she thought about how Taylor would react. Oh, how unbearable it'd be to upset a celebrity.

Cara's hands shoot up to rest on her temples, eyes wide, and mind blown. "You've met Taylor Swift, and I've met you... So I've indirectly met Taylor Swift!"

"I don't think that's how it works."

"Nonsense," she waved a hand in Karlie's direction. "I should tell Jourdan! I should tell our neighbors! Hell, I should tell everyone!"

Karlie watched as Cara descended into the hall and then into her room with her phone pressed firmly to her ear.

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