Chapter 17

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Karlie smoothed out her dress and checked herself out in the vanity mirror one last time. She was the perfect mix of casual and dressed-up.

"Does someone have a date?" Cara gasped as she peaked into Karlie's room, leaning on the door frame.

She rolled her eyes in jest and turned to Cara, who wore a long silk robe. "Kinda."

"Care to elaborate?"

"Well," Karlie stood and grabbed her clutch. "If it goes well, I'll say it was a date. If it doesn't, it was just two single people hanging out."

"Well," Cara said as she followed Karlie out into the hall. "I'll be here when you get back."

She waved to Karlie's retreating form as she went down the stairs. When 120 seconds had passed, Cara dropped her robe, revealing an all black getup.

Totally unnecessary, but it made her task ten-times cooler.

She slipped a Bluetooth into her ear and dialed Martha.

"The giraffe has left the premises." Cara said as she scurried out of the appartment complex and towards her car.

"What?" Martha hissed while pots and pans clattered in the background.

"That's Karlie's code name!" Cara cried as she started the engine.

"We never agreed on that." Martha fought back.

"Never mind," Cara dismissed. "Just get Taylor ready."



About five minutes into their date, Karlie and Josh could hear someone blaring Taylor Swift songs from outside.

"Shouldn't someone do something about that?" Karlie asked as she peered outside at the hooded figure with a stereo-system.

Josh looked down at his phone.


"Karlie" he stared into her surprised eyes. "Life is crazy, and unpredictable."

She raised an eyebrow at his impromptu poetry, but didn't interupt.

"So sometimes you should just be spontaneous. Even if you know you'll regret it, it's better to say you at least tried." He declared.

"I'm sorry, but what are you getting at?"

Dramatically, he put a hand on his chest. "My grandfather just passed away."

"Oh my god," Karlie gasped, holding a hand in front of her mouth. "I'm so sorry, Josh. Do you-"

"I'm sorry, but I have to go." Josh ran off, sniffing loudly as if he were sprouting tears.

Utterly shocked, Karlie sat alone at the table. This was certainly not how she imagined her night would go.

"Miss," a waiter stepped in front of her table. "Can I start you off with something to drink, or are you waiting for someone?"

Blinking back to reality, Karlie looked up and met his expectant gaze.

"I have to go." She breathed.

And with that she bolted out the front doors.

"But the reservation has already been paid!" He called after her.


While Taylor was distracted in the other room, Martha searched through her closet. Finding a beautiful black dress, she pulled it off the hanger and rushed down to Taylor.

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