Chapter 2

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Taylor stood in front of the wonderfully designed school. The students who passed by curiously glanced at her, while a few posed for photos with her. No doubt they'd end up on some sort of social media site.

If she hadn't had her music career, Taylor wondered if she would've tried to get into here. Juilliarrd was high ranked school with a low exception rate, it would've been impressive if she had made it in.

A young woman with shoulder length hair jogged up to the front of the campus. A pair of ballet shoes, black leggings, and a black sports bra were tucked under her arm.

Taylor saw that she was wearing a pink scarf over a white blouse. She was tall, even taller then herself.

Phone in hand, Taylor approached the brunette, was facing the other direction. Getting closer, Taylor found how beautiful she was. She could'vd been a model.

"Excuse me, are you Karlie?" She tapped at her shoulder lightly.

Karlie jumped, the voice surprising her, then turned around to greet Taylor.

"Thank you so much for coming out here, I..." Her voice died down.

At first her expression was relived, then it turned to recognition. Taylor watched as recognition turned to surprise.

Karlie cleared her throat and looked a tad bit embarrassed. "Uh, yeah, I'm karlie."

She held up Taylor's phone and exchanged it for her own.

The blonde found herself looking up at Karlie. It was rare to find another woman taller then herself. Karlie was even more stunning from the front.

Karlie grinned. "You're... Taylor Swift."

"I am." Taylor nodded with a sheepish smile.

Before Karlie could become even more starstruck, a light flickered in her mind. "How'd you know my name?"

"You got a text from Cara," Taylor explained. Her blue eyes widened and she clarified. "I didn't read it- or, I didn't try to read it. It popped up and my eyes processed the first few words."

Karlie opened her phone and found a text from her roommate.

Karlie. First day back. You're making diner tonight. Good? Good. See ya at the flat.

Then Karlie remembered that she had to leave soon. She looked to the star and Taylor's eyes darted away from the contact, evidently showing that she had been staring. Of course, Karlie hadn't noticed.

"Thanks for returning my phone." Karlie blurted, not knowing what else to say. She flashed a goodbye smile then she turned on her heel.

Karlie had made it five paces before Taylor called out subconsciously. "Wait!"

The taller girl heeled, her head and shoulders turning back to meet Taylor. Her heart raced. What would a superstar want to tell her? Was there a tag on her jeans?

Even Taylor herself wasn't exactly sure why she called after her. Her mouth processed the first thoughts that surfaced.

"Make sure to put a lock on your phone." She made a sour face for a split second at the dumb request that left her mouth.

The corners of Karlie's lips pulled up and she nodded. "Course, wouldn't want to get framed."

Taylor waved at Karlie's retreating form. Even after Karlie had left her sight, her feet were still firmly planted to the pavement as if they were heavy weights that she couldn't lift.

"Taylor," her driver called through the car window. "We should get going now."

Hesitantly nodding, she got back into the dark vehicle with the name Karlie on her mind.

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