Chapter 16

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The day before valentines day, a day where people rushed around town trying to find something for their significant other.

But Karlie was at Taylor's house, helping the blonde pack presents for her fans.

"They all live in New York," Taylor tied a hand written note to a sweater. "So these will get to them by tomorrow."

Karlie placed the sweater into a box and surrounded it with packing peanuts. "You know, it's really awesome that you do this."

She cooed and perkily looked up to Taylor. "We should give you a super hero name-- Super-Swift!" She snapped proudly.

Taylor thought about the title. "Than you'd be Sidekick-Kloss."

She scoffed at the lame name. "There's no way I'd be a sidekick, if anything I'm the commander."

"Whatever you say," Taylor shook her head kindly and passed over another gift for Karlie to place in the box. She missed their playful banter, it was nice to feel normal again.

Karlie's phone buzzed from her back pocket.

Can you meet me at Starbucks ASAP?? it'll only take a few minutes!

Sighing, Karlie grabbed her coat and pushed herself up from the floor. "Sorry. That was Cara, she says it won't take long."

Taylor nodded understandingly. "Do you think you'll be back to help with the rest?"

"I'll be here as soon as I'm done." She assured as she exited the penthouse.


Karlie arrived and was confused as to why Cara was no where in sight.

Where are you? she texted.

Karlie? Crap! Wrong number, I meant to send that to someone else.

"Are you kidding me?" Karlie disbelievingly muttered.

"Karlie?" A voice called from behind her.

The dancer turned to find Josh awkwardly waving at her. She grinned and greeted him.

"Hey, Josh. You on break?"

"Yeah," he stuffed his hands into his pockets. "I'm really glad I caught you, actually."

"Oh?" Karlie tilted her head.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go out for dinner tomorrow?" He offered, running a hand through his dark hair.

Her eyebrows shot up. "I- like a date?"

"No," he quickly assured, holding up two hands. "Just... Two single people hanging out. It doesn't have to be a date."

Karlie had nothing on the romantic horizon-- her fault entirely-- and Josh seemed like an okay guy. What'd she have to lose?

"Sure, that sounds great." She beamed.

"Awesome," Josh fist-pumped the air. "How's the Marea at seven sound?"

The Marea was an Italian restaurant-- one of the best around cnetral park, but more importantly, it was the place Taylor had invited Karlie after they first met.

Karlie flash her best faux-smile. "Sounds great."

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