Chapter 10

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The day after Cara and Karlie's little chat, Taylor and Martha returned from their trips.

"Karlie's on her way back from the gym," Cara said as she allowed Taylor and Martha into her shared flat. "She should be back any moment."

The visitors shook flakes of snow from their hair as they tugged off their coats and stepped over the threshold.

Taylor, who held a Scrabble box in her hands, sat down on the sofa and started to open the game.

"I can't wait to kick all of your butts!" She proclaimed.

"She can get a little competitive." Martha whispered to Cara.

"I've lived with Karlie for two years," She grinned. "I think I can handle it."

As if on cue, the door opened for a second time. Karlie emerged from it; Her cheeks rosy, and her nose as red as Rudolph's.

"It's like a blizzard out there." She shivered and kicked off her sneakers.

"Blizzard!" Taylor cheered as she looked at her game pieces.

"I see someone's eager to get beat." Karlie teased as she grabbed four drinks from the fridge.

"Is that a threat, Kloss?" Taylor gasped, turning to Karlie with a hand on her chest.

Karlie sent Taylor a mock-glare and sat opposite of her.

Martha, who was sitting next to Cara, lit up with a thought. She leaned into the British girl and whispered in her ear.
Karlie and Taylor would've noticed, had they not been so focused on making a show of preparing for the game-- stretching, cracking their knuckles, ect.

A grin spread across Cara's face as Martha whispered her plan.


"Kookies isn't a word, Karlie." Taylor said as the brunette played her turn.

"I have no good pieces." Karlie grumbled miserably as she retrieved her wooden tiles.

Cara winked at Martha and flashed the C that had once belonged to Karlie before tucking it into her pocket.

"Hey!" Karlie exclaimed, pointing to a word that Taylor had made earlier in the game. "If Kookies isn't a word then Dibbles isn't either!"

As the two bickered, Martha and Cara switched out their pieces again.
The game came to an end with Cara winning-- much to Karlie's and Taylor's surprise. When Martha and Cara burst out laughing, Karlie and Taylor questionably stared at them and decided that they had lost their minds.

Since Cara was the winner, she claimed the authority to decide what to do next.

But Taylor, who wanted to watch Love Actually, shined her blue eyes and jutted out her bottom lip at the other girls.

"Dammit," Karlie muttered under her breath as she caved in.

"Fine," Cara and Martha sighed simultaneously.

Perkily, she pulled out the DVD she brought along then handed it over to Karlie, who put it into the television.

While Karlie was in the kitchen to grab more snacks, Taylor slyly scooted closer to where the taller woman was sat.

When she returned, Karlie took her place next to Taylor with a bowl of chocolate-covered almonds.

Cara ooo-ed in delight and reached over to help herself to a handful. Martha plucked one from her hands and popped it into her mouth before she could object.

Near the end of the movie Martha and Cara were dead asleep.

Taylor's face was illuminated by the screen as she mouthed every line that the actors were saying. Karlie found the blonde beauty to her left far more interesting than the film.

The credits rolled and Taylor turned and caught Karlie. She wondered what compelled the brunette to find her so captivating. Did she find her attractive, or was there something on her face? Taylor hoped it was the former.

She softly smiled and Karlie quirked the corner of her lips.

Maybe it was the talk she had with Cara, or maybe it was because she had just watched a romantic comedy, but Karlie's eyes darted down to Taylor's lips.

Then she remembered all the reasons why she shouldn't do this. Karlie began to panic as Taylor got closer. But she wanted this-- or maybe she didn't... Karlie's head was a mess about Taylor.

She was incredible. She was beautiful, but not so graceful... To Karlie, Taylor was an unreachable reality. Relationships that consisted of normal people and celebrities never worked out-- they're built to fall.

Yet even as she thought this, Karlie didn't move back as Taylor moved even closer.

"The movie over already?" Cara groggily stretched her arms above her head.

Her heart pounding out of it's chest, Karlie jerked back. Taylor blushed and ducked her head away from both girls.

"What're you so jumpy about?" Cara asked, trying to suppress a smirk.

"N-nothing," Karlie ran a hand through her hair.

"If you say so..." Cara scrolled through her phone.

Taylor stood from her seat on the couch, her hands awkwardly entwining with each other. "Well, it was nice hanging out with you guys, but I think it's time Martha and I should go-"

"Hold up," Cara read off her phone. "I don't think you two will be going anywhere-"

"Are you kidnapping us?" Martha, who was still half-asleep, asked.

Karlie quickly went over to the window and peered through the drapes. The entire city was covered in a white blanket and the snow rapidly continued to fall.

"Oh snow..."

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