Chpater 6

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Martha was lying on the couch with Olivia, while Meredith curled up above her head on the arm rest. Taylor invited her over to talk about something, but decided that their conversation would be better with cookies.

A plate of freshly baked goods in hand, Taylor entered the living room. Martha tilted her chin up to look at her.

"So what did you wanna talk about?"

Taylor excitedly sat across from the other blonde, grinning from ear to ear. "Remember when you asked me what I wished for on my birthday? And I said it was a secret," She went on, "obviously you're not supposed to tell anyone because then it won't come true."

The model sat up, making Olivia move from her spot. "And why do I feel like you're going to tell me anyways?"

"Because I am," Taylor reached for a cookie and popped it into her mouth. "It already came true."

A quizzical tilt of Martha's head prompted Taylor to explain.

"I met a girl named Karlie." Her voice almost a whisper. "And I think I really want to spend more time with her."

"you wished for a girl named Karlie?" Asked Martha.

"No, I wished for a little sunshine."

With a dreamy look on her face, she thought back to a few days ago.

Karlie and Taylor had just finished their meal. The taller of the girls was standing with her hand on the opened taxi door.

"We should hang out again sometime." Taylor shivered from the night's chill and wrapped her coat tighter around her body.

Karlie beamed that shining smile again, and for a second, Taylor felt that it was warm enough for her to forego a coat.

"I'd like that a lot." Her visage was kind and genuinely happy.

Martha's voice anchored Taylor back to reality. "I still don't get it-- what does sunshine have to do with Karlie?"

"Karlie is sunshine, Martha." She heavily sighed and reached for another treat. "I wanna do something really fun with her, but I don't wanna come off as thirsty."

"Someone's been catching up on their slang."

"I picked up a few things from Tumblr." she nonchalantly shrugged.

Mentally, Martha registered Taylor's prior words. "Hold the phone! You have a crush on sunshine girl!"

A coy smile danced on Taylor's lips, "Maybe, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna act on it... yet."

The model nodded understandingly. "You should invite her out with us-- a group outing. Tell her to bring a friend along too, that way everyone's comfortable."

Taylor jumped from her seat, earning an intense glare from Meredith. "Martha you genius! You beautiful genius!"

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