Chapter 23

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It was actually terrifying how easy it was for Taylor to find the spare key to Cara and Karlie's place. She made a mental note to scold the girls for hiding the key under the doormat.

While Karlie was in class and Cara was ditching school to run around with Martha, who had just returned, Taylor occupied the couch and scrolled through emails.

One from Tree catches her attention, it's about some potential custom designers for the tour she has to see on Saturday. She adds it to her calendar to remind herself later.

After what seems like hours of waiting, Taylor finally hears the lock on the dock click.

But Karlie's not supposed to be home yet.

Taylor's first instinct is to leap over the sofa, shield herself and dial up an emergency number on her phone.

She's watched enough cop shows to know what to do.

Two more blonde enter with hands locked as the taller one giggles at something Cara said.

Taylor peeks over the sofa and exclaims, "Cara? Martha?"

The former leaps, untangling her hand to place it over her heart. "Jesus, Taylor, why're you hiding behind my couch?"

Martha frowns as her eyes train on her now epmty hand, then she shifts her stare to Taylor and her frown turns into a confused scrunch of the nose. "You're not even supposed to be home yet."

She rises from her hiding position and pockets her phone. "I wanted to surprise Karlie," Taylor explains then turns to Cara and says in a stren voice, "and why do you keep the spare key under your doormat? Do you know how easy it'd be for someone to break into here?"

"Like you did?"

"I," Taylor falters for a moment then tries to gain composure by dusting her skirt, "Yeah, exactly."


The girls spend the next hour and a half chatting on the sofa and catching up. It's not what Martha had originally planed for that day. Even though she adored Taylor, it would've been nice to spend some much needed alone-time with the goofy blonde.

To Martha's great thanks, the door lock clicks. Cara grabs her by the hand and rushes into her room as Taylor runs for towards the threshold.

Before Karlie's even given the chance to look up, she's tackled by her favorite popstar. Dropping her bags, she entwines her arms around Taylor's slim frame and gives her a slight twirl. They stumble until Karlie is sitting on the sofa's armrest; Taylor stands between Karlie's outstretched legs.

"You're back!" She squeals, cupping Taylor's face lovingly.

Taylor tangles her fingers with Karlie's then rest her forehead against the other, "It felt like forever."

Lips find each other as hands slide behind necks or mindlessly play with hair. They stay like that-- occasionally breaking contact for air-- for who knows how long.

Taylor eventually finds herself sitting against Karlie with the taller's chin nested in her shoulder as she contently listens to the tales from her trip.

"The hotel was amazing, really old school," Taylor gushes.

The words spark a remembrance within Karlie, her eyes light up. "I almost forgot, there's this antique shop that Josh told me about. It's right next to a little bakery, I figured we could go this Saturday-- if you're-"

"-I'd love too!" The words are out before Karlie can even finish her sentence. There are few things Taylor loves before antique shops.

"Are you two gonna be out here long?" Cara calls as she and Martha enter the living room. "We were going to to play." She nods at the console seated next to the television.

"Cara was going to play," Martha clarifies with a coy smile. "I, on the other hand, am going to win."

Nudging her by the shoulder, Cara scoffs. "This one's all talk, I tell ya."

Karlie chuckles and leads Taylor away by the hand, "Sure, we'll be in the other room if you need us."

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