Chapter 4

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~meanwhile with Naru & Kurama before they came to~

Naru wakes up in her head and sees Kurama behind a cage. So she runs up to it and opens the cage while saying "Dad! Dad Wake up!!" to which Kurama replies saying "I'm up, I'm up. Woah, Naru you look beautiful!!" "I do?" Naru says while thinking 'I wanna see what he's talking about.'

"woah!!!!" she thought of a mirror and it appeared in front of her. " I look just like you if you were human and a girl. I really love the color of my fox appendages Dad!" Naruko said while her 9 metallic purple white tipped fox tails wag all around her and her metallic purple white tipped fox ears were flicking in every which way.

"Now Naru all you have to do is wake up from your mind one of your friends is here. I think it's a Hermione Granger-potter since you see her as a sister." Kurama said while slowly fading away as he woke up to see Hermione waiting before the silence bubble. "Ok, I just have to wake up." Naru says to herself and looks down and sees her hand fading along with the rest of her body as she wakes up in the living world.

"Hermione! Come in." Naru says as she pulls Hermione into the bubble. "Naru how-wait is that Kurama?" Hermione says as she looks around and then notices Kurama Kitsune behind Naru. "Yes, young one I'm Kurama Kitsune and I have blood-adopted Naru as my own that's why she has fox ears & 9 fox tails. I will be willing to do the same to you if you want to be her sister in everything, including blood?" Kurama said as he had another blood-adopting potion with him that already has his blood.

"Yes I would like to be her sister in everything including blood and I wouldn't mind being your daughter!"

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