Chapter 2

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"Kit, do you mind if I seal myself in your body? And I was wondering why you smelled like Kushina & Minato." said Kurama shocked that Naru knew that he wasn't the oldest and that she knew the name of said oldest. "I won't mind Kurama"

Naru said, she was curious about how it would feel with Kurama sealed inside her. "I will warn you, it might hurt so you might wanna lay down kit." Kurama said trying to prepare her for the feeling of the pain of being turned into a hanyou or full demon. "Kurama-tou-san, I'll be ok, I'm used to pain," Naru says while she does what she's told.

Saying Kurama was shocked would be an understatement. He was fucking pissed the fuck off. He tried to stay calm while asking "N-naru why did you say that you're used to pain. The people you live with, d-do they hurt you? D-do they ab-abuse you??" "Yes they did, but I'm f-fine." Naru tried to say happily but started crying towards the end of her saying her sentence.

Kurama hugged her and then put a sound barrier up so as to keep the sounds just between Naruko and him during the sealing and so that they couldn't & wouldn't be disturbed. "Hey, Naru do you mind if I adopt you before the sealing?" Kurama said so that Naru would know how it would feel to have a father's love. "Would you really?" Naru said as she already thought of Kurama as a dad. "Yes I would, I see you as a daughter and it would help you with the sealing." kurama said as he was afraid of her not wanting to be his daughter since she probably won't want a demon fox as a father.

"Yes please, I would love to finally have a father who would love me and won't die easily." Naru said as she felt like she belonged to be with Kurama and the ninja world. She wants to be with Kurama and she wants to help connect Kurama with his siblings because She knows he must be lonely without them.

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