Chapter 1

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Once upon a time, a girl at the age of 12 was running in the woods called The Forest of Death or more commonly known as The Forbidden Forest. There she met a wonder & curiosity-catching animal called The BIJU of Tailed Beasts. (They love their real names better than their titles.) She met the second strongest & the most fluffiest one called Kurama Kitsune. He has orange fluffy fur & extremely Fluffy fox ears & tails, 9 fox tails to be exact.

Kurama Kitsune is a kitsune Fox. *thump* "Who dares Dis-" *sees the 12 yr old girl & says quietly to her* "What's your name, little one?" Kurama asked. "It's Naruko Harri Potter-Uzumaki-Namikaze, But you can call me Naru, Kurama is it?" Naru said while looking behind her to see if Ronald Weasley & Hermione Granger were following her. Kurama was surprised to know that Naru knew his name after one look at him.

"Naru, I have two questions for you. The first one is how did you know my name? The second one is what were your parents' names if you can tell me please?" Kurama said while watching Naru start to clear a patch of dirt in front of him with wandless magic.

"The answer to your first question is, there are legends about your family. You are the 9 tails, the second strongest & the second oldest. The strongest and the oldest is the Jūbbì or as she likes to be called, Midnight. The answer to your second question is, the name of my parents, well both sets of parents, were as follows; My birth Parents' names were: Lilly & James Potter. My adoptive parents' names were: Kushina Uzumaki & Minato Namikaze-Potter. Minato was also James' twin brother. Anyway, you should have smelled my mum, (aka Kushina,) on my body." Naru said while sitting down on the clean part of the forest floor she cleaned.

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