Ch. 4 Void

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"this happened after the skylander games?" Eon asked before i just walked straight forward "i don't like to see my brother like this" ashra said "has this happened before?" eon asked "no...this is the first time this happened" cynder asked "maybe something can help him a song perhaps" wind-up said "well there was one song i sang to him when he was little but i don't think it would work with him in that state of being" cynder said before telling the others what the song was "hmm...that could work but how are we going to get close to him if he's just going to keep moving?" ashra asked "we can try to slow him down to some degree" jet-vac said "or we could put up a barrier" stealth elf said "i might have an idea...but it's a bit risky" glumshanks said "alright then...what is it glumshanks?" cynder asked before glumshanks told them his idea "'s worth a shot, lets do it" roller brawl said before they all got around me "sorry imo" Stealth elf said before all of the skylanders dog piled me but i was able to get them off of me "what's the point..." i said to myself "no matter how hard i try i'll never be a skylander" i said before i continued walking "imo wait!" spyro said "i know how you feel...i was like you when i failed the test but in the end i sucked up my sadness and saved everyone and from that i learned that i needed to stop being selfish and care for just need to look inside yourself and see that you can do great things" spyro said "you just need to let the failures go kid" eruptor said "i just want to be left alone..." i said blankly before walking past them "brother..." ashra said to herself as i walked past her and went back home "i-i need some time alone" ashra said before flying off " ashra wait!" stealth elf said but ashra was to far away to hear her "give her time stealth elf...she'll come around eventually...but how are we going to fix imo?" eon asked "i don't think he can be fixed master eon...we don't know how kaos sabotaged imos exam" hugo said "then it looks like we gotta ask him ourselves" spyro said "spyros right...for imo" pop fizz said "for my son" cynder said before the skylanders went to cloudcracker prison

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