Ch. 16 Pursuit of Knowledge

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"hey mom" ashra said "good evening honey" cynder said before ashra hugged her "woah...what's gotten you all bubbly today?" Cynder asked "well to answer that question I'm going to be going on my first mission today with Spyro and the others!" Ashra said "good luck out there ashra, and don't get hurt" cynder said "I'll make sure of it mom" ashra said before leaving "at least she has her elements, while I have no element" I said, spiteful "don't be like that son...sometimes it takes longer to find out what your calling could could be water, undead, heck or maybe even fire it took me a while to figure out what I would be but I figured it out eventually" cynder said before hearing a knock at the door "I got it" I said before opening the door only to reveal sho'grath disguised as stealth elf "oh hey Elfie" I said "hey imo" sho'grath said "I was going to go to go take a walk in the falling forest, I was wondering if you'd want to come with me?" Sho'grath said "sure...I guess might as well and who knows maybe we'd find some intresting things there" I said before leaving the house "be safe out there you two" cynder said before I closed the door and we went to the falling forest

*With malefor*

"I wonder how my daughter is doing right now" malefor asked himself before calling cynder "hello?" Cynder asked "hey cynder" malefor said "oh...hey dad" cynder said "it's not for anything evil I was just calling to check on you and the kids is all. From what I heard imo had contact with darkness" malefor said "he did...but he's doing relatively well...though there are pictures of this...being in his room I don't know the name of it though" cynder said "what being?" Malefor asked "well...when he started melting after giving up his light to strykore...he mentioned something about a well of darkness that his girlfriend stealth elf went to by herself...and from the pictures that are in his room there's only a purple mass of energy in the photos...he said that in a past life he slaughtered thousands of people because he was and I quote "her most devoted follower"" cynder explained "most devoted follower? You mean sho'grath?" Malefor asked "who?" Cynder asked "sho'grath, she and your son developed quite the bond in his past life, he would sacrifice the non-believers for her, while in turn she would protect him from any other was like they was meant to be for each other but when he passed of old age back then she made a vow to find him again because without him she was lonely despite the other followers she had" malefor said "and how do you know this?" Cynder asked "because your son told me" malefor asked "of course he did" cynder said unsurprised "so the purple mass, is sho'grath?" Cynder asked "yes...but what other saw was an eldritch horror, what he sees was somebody willing to protect him from anything no matter the cost" malefor said " this things name is sho'grath?" Cynder asked "nobody knows her actual name...but that's what her cult referred her as" malefor said "so her real name is unknown... interesting" cynder said "I might need to ask Ron if he knows anything about sho'grath..." Cynder said "let's just hope she didn't get reawakened...she'll do anything just to get close to imo" malefor said before hanging up "this entity might be even more dangerous than strykore...I'll have to let eon know about her" cynder said before going to master eon

*With me and stealth elf*

"Say Elfie...why the falling forest out of all places?" I asked "well...its because a bunch of stuff happens in the falling forest...including the run in with kaos you had a few days ago" stealth elf said "true..." I said before turning around only to get hit with a bolt of dark energy "well that was easier than I thought" kaos said before coming down from a tree but ended up falling on his face before he got up "kaos...what are you doing here?" Stealth elf asked "you know the deal stealth elf...take over Skylands, find the map to the core of light etcetera etcetera" kaos said before I got up but one part of my face was darkened "you ok imo?" Stealth elf asked "I'm fine" I said but my voice sounded darker than normal 'yes...the toxin is working, I'll have him work for me in no time' kaos thought to himself "say feel different?" Kaos asked "what are you implying kaos?" I asked him before I lunged at him only for me to start melting again "not...again" I said before I collapsed to the forest floor "imo?" Stealth elf asked "get...the...others" I said "no...I can help you" stealth elf said "'t...your just a forest ninja...not somebody of...the...arcane" I said before blacking out "with your boyfriend out of the way stealth elf i suggest you come with me and help me on my quest for the ruling of Skylands" kaos said "nobody...nobody hurts my oldest disciple and get away with it" sho'grath said "disciple?" Kaos asked confused before sho'grath revealed her true form "the only one that's allowed to hurt him is me and me alone!" Sho'grath said before she went ballistic on kaos "I think it's best if we retreat kaos" glumshanks said "not before we claim our prize" kaos said before glumshanks used a smoke bomb to cover the area in a dense smoke cloud while kaos went and grabbed me before the two of them fled from sho'grath wrath "you might have gotten away but know this kaos! if I ever find you! I'LL KILL YOU!" Sho'grath said before turning back into stealth elf but noticed I wasn't there "imo? Where did you go?" Stealth elf asked before realizing why the smokescreen was there "don't worry imo, I will find you and make kaos pay for this" stealth elf said before gaining more demonic features

"on the surface it's not much dear reader but trust's a lot more than what you think...and I know what your thinking shouldn't there be an author's note about this? Well that's the thing, this time there isn't an author's note, it's just me...sho'grath...and that's all you need to know, by the way the other Skylanders can't see this only me and my disciple can" sho'grath said to the reader before It cut to black

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