Ch. 9 Stability

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'he was here; I could've killed him on the spot but I didn't want stealth elf to get hit, I hope she's ok though' I to myself before getting up but felt a small pain in my chest "ow...that blast did some damage but I'll live, I need to figure out where I am though because the last thing I remember was kaos ambushing us and me getting hit in the heart...but how did I get down here?" I asked myself before I took a deep breath and got the residual dark magic out of me "ah...much better" I said before night began to fall "hmm...they'll be looking for me so I'll make camp here and wait for them...however long it takes" I said to myself before making a makeshift tent and a small fire with some branches that was on the ground

*At Skylands*

"Spyro!" Stealth elf shouted "what is it stealth elf?" Spyro asked "it's imo...we was in the falling forest and kaos ambushed us imo shoved me and took the blast only for it to knock him out in the process...then kaos proceeded to shove off the cliff and now I don't know where he landed" stealth elf explained "we'll help you look for him stealth elf" Jet-vac said "anyone who messed with my brother will have to answer to me" Ashra said "well what are we waiting for let's go find him" eruptor said before they went to the falling forest to find me but due to how dark it was they couldn't find me "let's make camp here and we'll search for him in the morning" Jet-vac said "right" Spyro said before going to search for some branches to make a fire

*Next morning*

"Alright you guys let's keep looking" Spyro said before taking to the sky's while the others looked for me on the ground 'i hope he's ok...I really do...if he died from that then I wouldn't be able to live with myself' stealth elf thought to herself before Jet-vac found a makeshift tent and worn out fire "hey guys...somebody was here last night" Jet-vac said "he's right...somebody was here" eruptor said before they heard some screams deeper in the forest "somebody's in trouble" Spyro said "well let's go help them out" Jet-vac said before they went deeper into the forest only for the same thing to happen to them last time they went deeper into the forest "not again" stealth elf said before seeing two mabu on a pole "great now we're lost because you didn't ask for directions" a female mabu said "at least we're not being cooked" the male mabu said 'the traps are in place...when somebody tries to save them they'll trigger and they'll get captured...' I thought to myself before I heard the traps go off "gotcha!" I said before jumping out only to see Spyro and the others "wait...what are you guys doing all the way out here?!" "we was looking for you" eruptor asked before I got the mabu off the pole "now can you tell us where the movie theater is?" The male mabu asked "once you get out the forest get to the plaza place of the islands and then make a left on the second intersection and then make a right once you pass the convenience store with the blue roof and it'll be there" "thank you" the female mabu said before I teleported the mabu out of the forest "I though you got knocked out" stealth elf asked "I did...but I was able to wake up and I made camp at the bottom of the cliff...I would've fired a signal blast but that dark magic prevented me from doing I had to get the residue magic out of me but my the time I did it was getting dark out" "oh...but I'm surprised you lasted that long out here" eruptor said "I've been here for a month what do you mean?" "A's been two days imo" Jet-vac said "it has?" I asked before laughing a bit "it felt like a month to me come on...let's head back to the academ-" was all I could said before feeling an ominous presence at the front of the forest "what's wrong imo?" Spyro asked before I went to the front of the forest

*At the base of the forest*

"Alright glumshanks let's see if there is something that we can use to rule Skylands" kaos said before stepping into one of my traps "ow!!" Kaos shouted "what in the name of evil was that?!" Kaos exclaimed "oh you know kaos...just one of the many traps I made while I was in this forest...and you stepped into one of the more hidden traps of my arsenal...a custom-made bear trap" "a what?" Kaos asked before glumshanks explained "hey kaos...did you perhaps read the note that I left you when you recovered?" "What note are you talking about?" Kaos asked before getting the bear trap off of him "um...master I suggest we get out of here" glumshanks said "I can take him" kaos said "you think you can take me on?...very well then I'll allow you first strike" I said before kaos did the same attack he did before hand but it didn't knock me out instead it went back at him and struck him in the heart knocking him out "hehe...fool me one shame on you fool me twice right back at cha" I said before the others found me "come on guys...let's get out of here" I said before we all went back to Skylands "hey and the others go on and imo will catch up with you guys" stealth elf said "alright" Spyro said before they went back to Skylands and glumshanks and kaos went back to the castle "thanks for sparing him" glumshanks said "just get him out of here" stealth elf said before the two of them left "h-hey imo...there was something I wanted to tell you..." Stealth elf said blushing like a tomato "what is it you want to tell me stealth elf?" I asked "I...i-i..." Stealth elf said stumbling over her own words "I-i...I love you imo!" Stealth elf shouted blushing with embarrassment but when she saw me I had a shocked expression on my face before I flew carrying her unable to respond to her statement and when we landed I went back home, got in my room and closed the room door

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