Ch.5 Shattered Mind

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*the skylanders then made it to cloudcracker prison*

"where is he?" ashra asked before spotting kaos' cell "there you are" ashra said "what do you want?" kaos asked "how did you sabotage my brothers exam kaos?" ashra asked "you want to ask me how i sabotaged your weakling of a brothers exam? no dice" kaos said "my brother isn't weak i seen what he is capable of...we all have...but for you to just go around and sabotage my brothers exam...i would have killed your if i had the chance kaos..." ashra said "then go it but just so you know your brother will always be weak heck he might even have a shattered mind as i'm talking to you right now" kaos said "why you little-" "ashra don't he's just trying to get under your skin, i'm going to go see if imos doing any better" spyro said before going to cynders home and going into my room only to see that it was utterly destroyed "imo?" spyro asked "spyro...your here..." i said but there was something different about my voice "imo thank goodness your ok" spyro said "spyro...where are the others?" i asked "the others are at cloud cracker prison"spyro said "why did you want to know where the others went?" "i was just curious is all spyro" i said before leaving to go to cloud cracker prison "i wonder why he wanted to know where the others were" spyro said before following me to cloudcracker prison

*back at cloudcracker prison*

"your brother was nothing more than a showoff so why not chip him down to size" kaos said before they all heard a dragon roar but it sounded different "what was that?" stealth elf asked "not sure...but keep your guard up skylanders" eon said before i came in the prison "brother!" ashra said before rushing over to me only to notice that something was different about me "b-brother?" ashra asked me before i phased right through her "kaos...where are you?" i asked in a creepy voice "imo? ok kid?" stealth elf asked but i ignored her "there you are and me are going to have a" i said before my eyes turned pitch black "dude...whats up with your eyes?" kaos asked me but i ignored the question before opening the cell and grabbing kaos by the neck "imo!" eruptor said "" kaos said "let him go!" stealth elf said but i didnt listen to her as i was just laughing before i threw kaos into a wall "you cannot defeat me for i am the almighty kao-" was all kaos could say before he saw my eyes and started running for his life but tripped over his own cloak and fell "where do you think your going kaos...i'm just getting started" i said laughing crazily as i started pummeling kaos without mercy but the others was trying to stop me "imo get off of him!" eruptor shouted at me but i still didn't hear them "sorry bud" eruptor said before firing a glob of magma at me causing me to roar in pain and stop beating kaos who was just barely breathing "WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!" i exclaimed at them in rage "you was going to kill him!" spyro said "he deserves to die for what he did to me!" i shouted at them "you all are working in the darkness...the light has chosen me and me alone to purify those who souls are irredeemable..." i said before laughing like a maniac "brother stop!" ashra said before i lunged at her "starting with you" i said before i opened my mouth but just as i was about to kill my sister eon grabbed me with his beard "i'm deeply sorry imo...but your going to have to stay here for a while" eon said before he put me in a padded cell "get kaos out of" eon said "on it master eon" spyro said before taking kaos back home

*at kossandras castle*

" here?" spyro asked "i'm here spyro...kaos!" kossandra said "what happened to my son?" kossandra asked before spyro explained "thank you spyro" kossandra said before kaos came to just ask spyro left "I'm not going to punish you for what you've had enough punishment dished out to you kaos" kossandra said "" kaos said

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