Ch. 8 A Small Dilemma

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"hey imo...wanna go to the falling forest later today?" stealth elf asked me "um...sure i got nothing better to do..." i said " does 3 o'clock sound?" stealth elf asked me "sure i can manage" "alright...see you at three" stealth elf said before leaving 'i wonder why she asked me out all of a sudden...' I thought to myself as I left the house to find a suitable task to do in the meantime but as I was searching for a task I saw a really small box in the middle of a field "who left this box out here?" I asked myself before I went down and picked it up but when I tried to open it it didn't budge "come!" I shouted but it didn't budge "maybe master eon might know what this" I said to myself before going to the citadel "um master eon..." "What is it imo?" Master eon asked "I was flying around Skylands and I found this small box...I tried to open it to no avail...and I was wondering if you knew what it was" I said before handing him the box "imo...I think you might have found something that could be hazardous to us all" master eon said "what is it then master eon?" I asked curious "you have found Pandora's box...this box can cause destruction that could destroy all of Skylands" master eon said "or possible bring good fortune...right?" "It unfortunately doesn't imo" master eon said "I'll take it to the relics room so that no nefarious hands can get on it" "ok master eon...I'm going to go meet up with stealth elf in the falling forest" "you do you imo" master eon said

*With stealth elf in the falling forest*

'where is he...he should have been here by now...maybe I can hopefully confess to him today...I've practiced it countless times just take it slow and steady' (A/N not what you think!!) "Where is he?" Stealth elf asked before I flew in "hey stealth elf..." "H-hey imo" stealth elf said "so this is the falling forest...sorry if I took to long also...I sorta got lost on the way over I asked some mabu for help" "oh...understandable" stealth elf said " be honest I thought this forest would be prettier" "it might not be much but deeper in it's prettier and such...but it has its time while me and the others was here was when we was trying to help crash bandicoot get back home me and the others powers got disabled" stealth elf said "huh...interesting...but isn't there like a swamp here as well or is it in another part of the forest?" "It's in a different part of the forest" I said before me and stealth elf went inside the forest but not even a minute later kaos and glumshanks arrived in the forest "what are we doing here master?" Glumshanks asked "isn't it obvious glumshanks I need to come up with a plan to get rid of those skyfools...and avoid that dragon" kaos said "well maybe something we can use here could be of use...but why did you have to drag me along?" Glumshanks asked "it's so that I have somebody to blame" kaos said "of course you do" glumshanks said before they went into the forest "hmm...something tells me that we're not alone here stealth elf" "what do you mean imo?" Stealth elf asked "'s nothing...let's just keep going" "ok...?" Stealth elf said 'if everything goes to plan then this should work' stealth elf thought to herself

*Later that evening*

"Thanks for this stealth elf...I needed this after what happened" "your welcome imo...t-theres something I need to tell you imo" stealth elf said "what is it stealth elf?" I said sitting down in the ledge "w-well...i-its...i-i..." Was all stealth elf could say before kaos ambushed us "look out!" I said before shoving her out of the way and taking the hit but it struck me in the heart causing me to black out "imo!" Stealth elf said "well well well...this is a surprise...I guess I take you both out before taking this dragon with me and having him do my bidding" kaos said "your going to have to get through me first midget" stealth elf said before grabbing out her daggers 'i hope he's ok...he took a nasty hit...I'll take him to the medic after this ordeal is over...just stay strong imo' stealth elf thought "this should be easy...your friend there is passed out and you have no chance of beating me" kaos said before going towards me and kicking me off the ledge "imo!" Stealth elf shouted before her grip on her daggers tightened "you...will pay for that!" Stealth elf shouted but kaos got away before stealth elf could hit him "no!" Stealth elf shouted "I need to find Spyro...maybe he can help" stealth elf said before going back to skylands to get some help

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