Ch. 18 Unstable

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"hey alright?" Cynder asked but there was no response from me "I think he needs some time to himself...from what I heard he got turned to stone by strykore before he could get the chance to stop him" Spyro said "he's is powerful I'll give you that but imos just a kid, he can't take on somebody that's far stronger than him, at least not without help" cynder said "for once I agree with you on that one cynder, but your son is a very capable fighter even without an element unlike his sister that has 2 elements" Spyro said "that's true but hey...he's trying to make a name for himself without having elemental powers" cynder said "he's trying to fight a fight that he knows he cannot win...but still chooses to fight anyway...he almost died twice...and I don't want to fear losing him again to somebody like strykore" cynder said "imos not that easy to take down time while he was sparring with various Skylander cadets, he was able to figure out their weaknesses and use that to his advantage" Spyro said "yeah...and not to mention he's been using weapons...and not the ones we use" rollerbrawl said "what kind of weapons?" Cynder asked "that's none of your business" I said from behind Spyro "imo...hey buddy, when did you get behind me?" Spyro asked "I heard you guys was talking behind my that true?" I asked them in a more serious tone "what? No we wasn't" rollerbrawl said "prove it" I said "how can we-" "prove. It." I said dead serious "we wasn't talking mean things behind your back imo" cynder said before the doorbell rang and I answered it "um...hey imo...listen you got a telegram from strykore" Wolfgang said before reading it "we have your sister, she said that you know where the core of light is, come to the castle alone and unarmed if you can tell us where the core of light is then your sister will be let go, if not then you get to see why the call me the light eater you have 2 days, clocks ticking imo" "imo, it's a trap don't do it" Spyro said "how do you know it's a trap Spyro?" I asked him"because as Skylanders we often-" "fall for the traps, they have my sister and are using that to bait me out and from the looks of it I don't have a choice in the matter" I said "they're targeting you because you don't have any special abilities" rollerbrawl said "I know I don't have elemental powers, but they're going to turn her over to their side if I don't go; they think I know where the core of light is...which I do, but I won't share that information" I said "so...your just going to go blindly into a trap?" Cynder asked "if it means my sister comes back and I don't, then it was worth it" "I don't agree to this" cynder said "whether you like it or not I'm going either way and you can't stop me" I said before walking out the door and going to the castle "he's not going to come back, keep an eye on him, can you do that for me Spyro?" Cynder asked "I'll try my best, he can be very perceptive of his surroundings sometimes" Spyro said before flying after me

*With Kaos and Strykore*

"Let me out of here!" Ashra shouted "it's a trade, not an interrogation" kaos said "oh shut your mouth cue ball!" Ashra said "why did you even capture me anyway?" "Because your what your brother cares about most, and with you we'll bring him to us, and drain you both of your light" strykore said "classic villain" ashra said "it takes 3 days to get here...he's not going to make it in time" kaos said

' think you can just kidnap my sister and get away with it...well your in for a sudden surprise, when I get my claws on you, your going to suffer the worst pain unimaginable that not even the devil himself would grant upon mortal scum like you' I thought to myself 'so...what shall we do when we get there? Rip his heart out? Turn him inside out? Oh oh how about degloving all his skin in the most torturous way imaginable' my hatred said but it sounded darker than normal 'that last one sounds good, but it can wait...first we need to get my sister out of their clutches, then we can do whatever we want to those two scumbags, they don't even know magic' I thought to myself "something's off about's like he's not himself" Spyro said to himself before I made it to the castle and started banging the door "I KNOW YOUR IN THERE MIDGET! RELEASE MY SISTER AND OPEN THE DOOR!" I exclaimed at them through the front door "how did he get here in under three days?" Strykore asked before I continued to bang on the front door "OPEN THE DOOR!" I shouted at them "not until you give us what we want" strykore said "first my sister, then we'll talk" I said "tell us where the core of light is" kaos said before I began to kick the door down

'why do I hear boss music?' kaos thought to himself "I suggest you both start running, for my brother is incredibly angry at both of you" ashra said "he can't beat us, plus he's outmatched" kaos said "yeah ok...tell that to the guy kicking the door down" ashra said before the door got flung off of it's hinges but when she saw me I had a more feral appearance about me "b-brother?" Ashra asked "let my sister go" I said nearing my breaking point "not until you tell us where the core of light is" strykore said "I'm not giving you the location of the core of light...I'm at my limit with your shenanigans, so give my sister and nobody gets hurt" I said trying to keep my sanity together by what little willpower I had left "what makes you think we'll comply to your conditions?" Kaos said before he struck me with a bolt of dark energy but it did nothing to me "what? how did that not do anything to you?" Kaos asked as I started laughing quietly "answer me!" Kaos shouted at me "you don't understand what it is your dealing you kaos?" I asked but my voice sounded like it that is a possessed doll as I started walking up to strykore and kaos, strykore who was unfazed by my sudden change in attitude and kaos who was trying to hide his fear but was failing miserably "b-brother?" Ashra asked, scared before I had released her of her bindings and she immediately fled the castle before noticing Spyro "Spyro...what are you doing here?" Ashra asked "your mom told me to keep an eye on imo" Spyro said before I turned around "I knew somebody was following me...but out of everyone my mom chose, she chose you...the egomaniac himself" "h-hey imo...funny how we're both here" Spyro said sheepishly before I grabbed him, turned him around and tore off his wings and kicked him off into the abyss "SPYRO! Ashra shouted before looking at me "WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!?" Ashra exclaimed at me but I didn't answer her question "ANSWER ME!" She shouted but once again there was no answer from me "did he of that dragons wings?" Strykore asked before I turned around and went up to him before I grabbed his head and drained him off his magic along with kaos' magic as well "you will regret that!" Strykore said before attempting to use his magic but nothing came out "m-my power...what did you do to me?" Strykore asked me but when he looked at where I was I wasn't there, but instead I was behind him "you think your a threat to this academy strykore?" I asked him threateningly "I am supposed to destroy the core of was my original goal" strykore said "the core of light you say?...well it's a shame you won't live long enough to see it destroyed" I said to him calmly "what are you getting at?" Kaos asked before I started laughing "you'll see soon enough..." I said to kaos before I returned their powers to the both of them and left the castle

"Consider yourselves lucky...normally my victims would die a horrible death, but you'll be far more useful to me alive" I said to them before I flew back to Skylands

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