Ch. 14 Grace Period

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'I'll do anything to protect you Elfie...even though you can handle yourself I know more than even eon himself knows...but I will defend you from anyone that tries and brings you harm' I thought to myself before setting her down in her bed "hey there a place I can go to get stronger?" "Why are you asking me that...I wouldn't know heck even if there was such a place eon probably knows about it" jet vac said "ok..." I said before leaving the house "I'm going to get some supplies and I won't be back until morning" "you do that" jet-vac said as I flew off

*Next morning Spyro and the others heard what sounded like building*

"What the heck is going on out there?" Spyro asked before looking outside and seeing me building a contraption "imo what are you building out here?"
Spyro asked "what do you think I'm building Spyro?" I asked him "do I look like I know what your building imo?" Spyro asked "he's building a training area" Ashes said "he did say he was gathering supplies and wouldn't be back till next morning" jet-vac said "your right he did say that...but why outside the house?" Eruptor asked "that's none of your concern eruptor" I said before I finished building the area "that should do it" I said before giving a test drive and pulling the switch causing it to become active "morning guys" stealth elf said "hey ok?" Spyro asked "yeah...I was just tired is all but I'm feeling a lot better now" stealth elf said "that good...but um...any reason as to why imo built this?" Eruptor asked "not sure...probably because he still doesn't have his element yet..." Stealth elf said "that's not the reason" I said "then what is the reason behind this?" Stealth elf asked but I was silent about it "it's probably a touchy not pester him about it" Ashra said " guys wanna go to the gizzard place?" Jet-vac asked "sure I can go for some gizzard right about now" eruptor said before they went to the place (A/N I don't know the name of it ok don't roast me in the comments!)

*Later that day*

"Hey kaos...what is the meaning of know imo is probably out here right" glumshanks said "whatever glumshanks...that won't stop me from taking over Skylands...even if he threatened to kill me" kaos said before they both heard what sounded like the clashing of weapons "you hear that kaos?" Glumshanks asked "of course I hear it glumshanks...but where is it coming from" kaos asked before the two of them search for where the origin of the sound was coming from and saw me in a sort of makeshift training area "well this is a surprise" kaos said "who built this an ape?" "You.." I said before the training area stopped "hey imo...let's not get all fighty here" kaos said "I would have the energy to fight you right now...but your lucky I saved this world from that cursed man I suggest you leave before I change my mind kaos" "r-right" kaos said before leaving and the training area resumed "but kaos...keep this in might be getting stronger and while I know you was going to challenge me, our inevitable battle at the moment is premature...but only when you grow in power then will I take you on" "I am looking forward to that day imo" kaos said "the day where you submit to my will" kaos said 'like heck am I going to submit to you kaos' I though to myself before dodging an arrow by the makeshift Wolfgang "nice dodging skills but is that all you got?" The fake Wolfgang said before Eon came around "did imo build this himself?" Eon asked himself before stopping the training area I built "huh? Oh hey master eon" "tell me...did you build this yourself?" Eon asked "yes...yes I did I needed a bit of help from sprocket though with building the voice boxes, luckily the doom raiders was able to help out with voice lines for this to make it more realistic" "I'm impressed...really I am, I didn't think you could build this yourself" eon said "thank you...where'd eruptor and them go?" "They went to the gizzard restaurant here in Skylanders" eon said "interesting...I might just head down there" I said before flying over to the place

*With eruptor and the others*

"Say did you know where to find that dark well?" Spyro asked "to be completely honest...somebody helped me...their name was sho' grath" stealth elf said before I came in "who is sho' grath?" Jet-vac asked "well...I don't really know who sho' grath person is...but he helped me out" stealth elf said "so tell me...if you don't know who this sho' grath person is...the how did you know about him?" Pop Fizz asked "that's the thing...almost every Skylander here doesn't know about him...he's remained elusive for the past several decades" I said behind Pop Fizz "imo when did you get here?" Jet-Vac asked "I just got here...thought I'd try and spook some people while I was at it" "say do you know of sho' grath?" Stealth elf asked but I was dead silent on the matter "let's just get some food shall we?" I asked before one of the waiters came by the table with some food "we ordered some food while you was training..." Jet-vac said "thanks..." I said before looking at the food only for it to be green soup "what is this exactly?" I asked "it's green cabbage soup with a hint of black mayo" glumshanks said "oh hey glumshanks" I said before giving the soup a try and it was delicious "this is pretty good" I said "I'll tell the chef" glumshanks said before going back to the kitchen

"so do you know of this sho' grath?" Spyro asked "I'd rather not talk about it at the moment guys..." Spyro said "when I got turned to the dark side the others found out about it when we was with Flynn while I was trying to open a wupan puzzle box" Spyro said "this is different...sho'grath is a being that some of our people back home worshipped, mostly the homeless and the crazy people worshipped her" I said "home? Your not from this world?" Pop fizz asked "me and ashra aren't...we was both little back then before we landed our memories of home is a bit more fuzzy than I last thought of...but we both remember one thing that did happen, sho'grath destroyed our home planet, forcing our parents to have us leave our home" I said "oh...gosh we're so sorry to hear that" Spyro said "but that brings the question, what is sho'grath doing here and what is her purpose for being here?" "Who exactly is sho'grath?" Eruptor asked "nobody knows who she really is; he doesn't have a face, all I do know about him is that he can take the form of anybody we know and we wouldn't know the difference" I said "how do you know that?" Stealth elf asked "I know this because...I was a disciple of hers in a past life...that's how I still remember her, she used me for her own gain but I didn't know it at first, she had me start a cult, kill those I cared about in her name, she told me that she was the only thing that I needed to devote my heart into...and so like a lamb to the slaughter I followed her every word, down to the letter, I became her most devoted follower, she fed me her beliefs on society and I listened...when I fell down to that place, I felt her embrace, she told me that she hadn't forgotten me even after 30 decades" I said almost brought to tears "I regret asking who she is...sorry imo" eruptor said "it's fine...when I touched that dark relic I saw the souls of the damned, those was the people I killed back then...I don't know whether that had come to torment me or not" I said "how many did you kill back then?" Jet-vac asked "3,318 people I had killed or sacrificed in her name back then..." I said before noticing how dark it was outside "oh's getting late...see you guys tomorrow?" I asked "sure we'll see you tomorrow imo..." Spyro said before I left the restaurant "she can mimic anybody huh...that's a big issue" eruptor said "it is...we should probably address the issue to eon..." Spyro said "good call...but it can wait till tomorrow" stealth elf said before leaving and heading back home

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