Refreshment in Resentment

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Cops POV

After waking up I found what exactly happened...I tried to recall everything of that days events BT their wasn't anything suspicious...that day.I went to TI Enterprises...BT HR was not available...after that I head to parking lot where I dozed off.....and woke up by the sound off an arguments of some their was nothing suspicious at all......fuck it....I don't get anything......back to present......i got discharged from hospital after 10 days due to my insistannce bcuz they wanted to keep me for some more days for the treatment bt m absolutely fine and i dont want to extend my days any further.....and....M still not talking to Gulf....Pmild n Mae asked me to forget everything and forgive him cuz he is my brother......and if he hit me or pushed me in the pool then their should b some reason...I agree their is a reason...and that reason is Gulf himself....and m not angry cuz he kicked me or pushed me in swimming pool.....BT I'm angry cuz he pushed me in front of an outsiders and showed them my weakness....let them know I'm weak in some parts of my life.....I did my best to make myself strong BT he destroyed my hardship in just a moment......He have right to hit me,kick me,break me and even kill me BT nobody have right to show my weakness to the world....NOBODY.....Gulf said to mom that i hate him....of course I do hate him BT not to that extend of hate which is called an actual hate.......he should also understand his mistakes....and learn from it....I had enough of his its my turn to make him Guilty.......out of all this I got to know from Pmild that Mae didnt let Msj or Boss pay my hospital bills....everything she paid from herself......I'm happy she did that cuz I don't want to be indebted to any outsider.........Thanit Itthipat is still my boss cuz he never terminated me which I got informed by him....that time I didn't do or said anything BT that doesn't mean I will still work for him....I'll handle him later BT right now somebody is very persistent to take my attention and that person is...

Gulf:-I said sorry you bastard..


Gulf:-plzz don't behave this way to me cop..its hurting me.

Cop:-....(looking other way and didnt answer)

Gulf:-U hate me now bcuz now you know that m ur step brother...right.

I turned towards gulf with anger and started staring him.

Gulf:-I know....You are aware m ur step brother thats why you hate me so much....

I cut him with anger and said.

Cop:-I hate you cuz you showed my weakness to outsiders........(he looked shocked)....Yes Gulf I hate you cuz you let other people know that I'm a weak person who is scared of many things in this world...........and about being my .........if I wanted to hate you for that then I hated you long time ago....(cuz I already knew this truth long ago..thought)

After saying that I left the room angrily and stormed towards living area BT while leaving I saw my other family members were at door...and I guess they heard everything....BT I ignore their presence and lead my way towards living room....they all followed me in living room except Gulf...he might b shocked.....I sat on couch and mom sat my opposite facing me with shock,anger and suspicion....she was abt to open her mouth BT I interrupted her and said.

Cop:-I knew he is my step brother after dads death when aunt med suggested you to send Gulf to an orphanage cuz you weren't had enough to tkcr of three children....I overheard ur conversation that day and kept it to me only.

Mom:-Good....and I'm proud of you for this BT if you heard everything that day then it means you knw what you should do now...right?(said with a straight face n stern voice)

Cop:-Yes and no....(mom furrowed her both eyebrows).....Yes I'll do it....and No cuz I won't do it No for now.

Mom:-cop don't test my patience cu....

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