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Cops POV

I don't know what to say or react cuz from last 5months after that fashion show in Koh Samui nothing is gng well in our,Gulf and even Pmild are facing some problems...Ps problem is her fiance,Gulfs problem is his boss and my problem is this job and that fucking contract....if their wouldn't be that contract then I would have already thrown a resignation letter on his bloody face.....he is ambitious,workholic and successful...I agree BT at the same time he is rude,bastard and cunning...why didnt I listen my inner thoughts that time......arghhh.......piles of paper and dumb clients m handling every single day......taking breaks only for lunch n washroom......seriously if Gulfs boss is voldemort then my boss  must be the Joker of The Dark knight...different character in different situations........

Godt:-stop staring me like that or else you'll fall for my charm.

Ohh..I didn't realize I'm looking at him....and how cheap...copied my lines...huh..

Cop:-fall for you My foot...m not observing....ur cunningness.

Godt:-Who said m cunning...m the best example of perfect boss in the whole Thailand.

I just gave him a look then he continued again.

Godt:-m not saying that BT The Global Times said that.. Im the most...

Cop:-enough....cuz they are not aware of ur true self....(I cut him)

Godt:-And what's my True self?

Cop:-You Trapped me into this contract...and making me work my ass of...Im working from last 3months BT I only got 2Sundays off...not even a single Saturday.

Godt:-Ohhh...I got it......BT sorry to announce you that...this Saturday I mean tomorrow your still working.

Cop:-why?you told me I can take off tomorrow..then why?

Godt:-Don't worry its an outdoor..(I gave him a look)....don't be confuse...for Sundays photoshoot we need another location?

Cop:-what abt the current one?

Godt:-photographer didn't approve.

Cop:-Why everything happen on the last second in this company?
I don't care m not doing it.

Godt:-work tomorrow and take Sunday off...or come to Sunday on shoot.

Cop:-No can't force me...Saturday and Sunday is an official holiday for everyone?

Godt:-and ur not included in those everyone.


Godt:-cuz ur special.( he is mocking me)

Cop:-Then make me ordinary....and give me an off like others....plz😐(used my best pleasing tone n look) chose this signing that contract to be my if boss is working then how can you rest?....isn't it agnst the work ethics?(said mockingly)

Cop:-Fuck off you and ur work ethics...I was correct abt you....(he looked me like🤨)...ur a Joker.

Godt:-Check ur eyes...m that handsome prince of Cinderella stories...not any funny Joker.

Cop:-come back to earth...ur not a funny Joker...ur that cunning n ruthless Joker of The movie The Dark knight...

Godt:-Do I look like Ruth.....(shouted )


BT his nonsense shout cut by a phone call..

Cop:-Wait(said to my boss)
Hello copter Panuwat from TI Enterprises.

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