Frushtration & Anger =Fear & Tear part 1

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Frustrated Msjs POV

What the hell....he is way smarter than I thought....ahhhh...whatever...why the hell I'm giving importance to that brat...he is just a mere assistant....BT whenever I see him I remember my failure which was caused by him...I don't want to see his unlucky & ugly face.....then I called that brat..
Gulf:-Yes sirrr?
Msj:-I just msged u an address go there and remember from now you will work from that construction need to report in office.
Gulf:-BT abt meeting with Japanese clients?
Msj:-its not ur as I say.
Gulf:-BT its already I need to go today or from tomorrow?
Msj:-Today...(I cut the line after that)

Then I went to window and saw him getting ready to leave and he left...finally thanks to my brain...I don't have to see him anymore...time passed quickly and its almost 7:30pm n m ready for meeting which is at 8 pm In nearby hotel....I came down and waited for jee...she came quickly and was abt to leave then she asked abt that brat...
Jee:- tee,where is gulf?
Tee:- he told me voltdemo......I mean boss sent him some construction site.
Jee:-construction site?which cons...
Msj:-khokliams construction site(I cut their conversation BT after hearing the name their eyes turned wide and facial expression is kind of shocked.)
Tee:- BT that site is dangerous.we already abandoned the site cuz that building can fall anytime soon...even a light breeze can make that fall...thats why we shifted all employees from that site to other safer site.and even cleared nearby areas.....SHIT....Gulf...
Tee immediately dialed gulfs no. BT he started panicking....
Tee:-shit...shit..gulf pick up gulf..pick up...plz..
Jee:- what's wrong?
Tee:- he is not picking call...its continuously can u?
He said pointing his fingers towards me.
Msj:-Relax..he is not that dumb who will go into that building if its condition is damn letz move Jee... clients are waiting for us.
Let's go I said and walked towards my car and jee followed me..

Its already 9pm and meeting got over...and it was gr8....we signed the contract with them...ahhh...I looked out of window its raining heavily n I didn't carry any umbrella ......after that I checked my phone...I got 23 missed calls and 15 unread msgs and all from Tee...BT why? then I checked the last msg it was 10 min ago.

Tee Jaruji Architect

Gulfs aunt called and asked abt Gulf that why he didn't reach home yet he working overtime...and his no
is not reachable now..what to do?

SHITTTT.....I cursed loudly.....Jee looked at me and asked...what happened?
I didnt say anything and started running toward my car....jee followed me till gate bt stopped due to heavy rain..when I reached the car I called her to take taxi cuz m in rush while getting into my car and started driving fast at the highest speed.....How can you b so dumb Gulf Kanawut?can't you see the condition of the building?.....ahhhh.....what the...why m feeling like this.
..I kept cursing and shouting until I reached the building.....I started running toward building and got in rushed to first floor while shouting Gulfs name...Gulf...Gulf...Gulf...damn it where are you?
Then I reached second floor I noticed the condition of the second floor is so bad its seems like an earthquake took place sometimes eyes got wide thinking abt Gulf...I started shouting agn n agn...Gulf...Gulf...Gulf..
Suddenly I heard a sniffing and crying
...and somebody is calling for help....its coming from other side of the room..I tried to open the door BT i guess its stuck....I shouted agn..
Gulf are you response..
Gulf....I can only hear plzz help me between cries.
I kept kicking at the door..until it got open I got in and he stood up from the  floor  then suddenly something fell from was a big peice of wood ...and then everything started falling down woods,cements and bricks...I ran towards him quickly and held him tightly so that he won't get hurt and started taking him outside  the building slowly and safely...he is not saying anything..I guess he is scared....As we came outside the building I took a long breathe to release my tension..BT suddenly Gulf pushed me..

scared(feared)Gulfs POV

As I reached the building the condition was so is an understatement...its way worst...I thought to runaway BT Voldemort said from now onwards I have to work from here...I went in slowly..made sure not to touch anything....I checked everything on first floor ...then went to second floor as I got into one of the rooms it was so horrible..I was writting the condition then suddenly everything started falling here and their and even light bulb broke cuz something fall on that...shit its dark now..m scared of dark...and suddenly I heard a thunder....I got more scared...its raining outside with loud thunder voices...and dark inside I can't explain how m I feeling right now...its my biggest fear which is infront of me..I on my mobile flashlight..BT all of sudden something fall on my hands and my cell fell down and broke...its dark agn...suddenly I heard a loud thunder and I tightly closed my eyes and ears and tears started falling from my eyes cuz of fear BT I kept my eyes closed....I started remembering cop,Mae and P....what if I die here...I can't tell them what they all mean to me...I kept thinking everything and crying...when I heard my name...I shouted help...I shouted agn n agn BT didn't dare to open my eyes...somebody opened the door I didn't open my eyes due to fear....I felt  someone held me tightly and my legs are moving bt I still didn't open my eyes...I can't think anything right now...after sometimes I felt my legs are not moving anymore....I slowly opened my eyes...m out side...I felt someone took a deep breath I looked up to see the face and it was him..who send me hear to die....I turned a bit and pushed him through his chest..I did again and again...I kept pushing him...he was telling me to stop it..BT I didn't listen I kept pushing him and shouting him...then he hold both of my hand tightly and shouted loudly.
....I SAID STOP IT....he was angry as usual no guilt on his face....I kept looking at his face and every thing become black...

Msjs POV

I shouted at him to stop so I can explain him that I wasn't aware abt the condition of the building BT he fainted..I guess he is exhausted...I hold him tightly and carry him in bridal style to my car BT somebody stopped me b4 I reach the car....and said.
Stranger:- Give him to me I send him to his house.
Msj:-no need I can do that BTW who are you?
Stranger:-me?(pointing his finger towards his face) I'm Tae...Tae Darvid..Tee Jarujis boyfriend...and he called me to come hear and help his friend.

and he called me to come hear and help his friend

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Msj:-No need...I won't allow any stranger to take him.
Tae:-BTW ur also a stranger to me so even I won't allow you to take him..what if you take advantage of him?
Msj:-what the fuck?I'm his boss.and I'll take him..
Tae:-Try to do that...if he is tees friend then he is brother to me and I won't allow you to take him...

Then suddenly a car arrived and someone rushed toward us....its......mmmm.....its Tee.

Tee:- hey babes you reached...(to his boyfriend)
Then tee faced me and said..
Tee:-Thanks boss for whatever you already we take him from here(sarcastically said)

I wanted to protest BT that Tae guy took him from my hand and moved towards his car.....I was just kept looking to their direction then I saw gulfs hand its bleeding,he is hurt.....BT I don't know why m feeling more angry and hurt at the same time.

Oyyeeeee...finally guys

Stay safe
Stay healthy

Next chapter I will update soon...

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