Chapter 24

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It was early evening by the time they left Agnitio's mountain and hiked most of the way back. The plan was to fly down to Seattle and catch a plane to California since Nathan knew someone who could get them a free flight. It was the only way they were going to get to the island off the coast of California where the final battle took place.

They had half a day at most, but they decided to rest for at least a few hours in the forest. They were exhausted and had been getting little sleep over the past few days. Plus Nathan needed all of the energy he could get to fly them back down to Seattle.

"I really hate camping," Celia said as they all gathered around together.

They repeated what they did the night before. Katia built an igloo around them and they all huddled around the fire Damien started. It had been a very long day, and they were exhausted. Katia and Celia laid down and were asleep within minutes while Damien and Nathan stayed up by the fire to keep guard.

Despite how tired she was, Katia couldn't sleep for long. Nightmares and surreal dreams kept her from a restful sleep.

"Is she okay?" Damien asked. Katia was moaning and moving around as she slept.

Nathan scooted over to Katia and stroked her hair gently until she settled back and her face became peaceful again.

"Yeah, she just has these flashbacks sometimes from her past and occasional nightmares," Nathan said.

His eyebrows creased with worry as he remembered the reoccurring nightmare Katia told him about. He told her it was just a dream, but he couldn't shake the bad feeling he had.

"Katia's been through a lot more than she lets on hasn't she?" Damien asked.

Nathan nodded. "Yeah she's been through a lot. She acts like it's nothing though and just keeps on smiling."

"You like her," Damien stated. He wasn't asking. He knew.

Nathan regarded Damien with slight curiosity. So that was why he's always quiet Nathan thought. He likes observing.

Nathan never would have imagined he would be having this conversation with Damien, but the events of the last few days changed things.

"Yeah, for a while now actually," Nathan admitted.

"Dude!" Damien exclaimed and slapped Nathan on the shoulder lightly. The girls stirred in their sleep and Damien lowered his voice. "Why haven't you told her yet?"

"I don't know! I just couldn't find the right time," Nathan explained.

Damien gave him a deadpan look. "Seriously? We're on a quest about to face off with the most dangerous Hunger ever. Now is pretty much your only time."

"Yeah I know. It's just...doesn't it seem petty to focus on my feelings when everything we care about could be destroyed?" Nathan questioned.

Damien nodded once in understanding. "I know what you mean. But I think our situation now is all the reason more why you should tell her. Who knows what's going to happen? You don't want to lose your chance to tell her."

"Okay yeah," Nathan agreed after he mulled over Damien's words. "You're right. I'll tell her."

"Good," Damien said.

Nathan smiled. "You know this might be the most I've ever heard you say."

Damien rolled his eyes and laughed a bit. "I can talk. I'm just not the best at making my thoughts into words. This was a rare moment."

Katia jerked violently in her sleep, causing the two boys to jump. Her eyes snapped open and darted from side to side. When she remembered where she was Katia calmed down slightly.

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