Chapter 16

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By the time the four of them arrived in Vancouver, it was dark and pouring rain. They were on the outskirts of the city. It was deserted with only a few cars driving down the street every couple minutes. The only life was a little cafe that closed minutes after they arrived.

They stayed hidden as they watched the owner close up shop and run to his car. It might look a little weird to see four teenagers in the pouring rain in the middle of the night. When the guy left, they rose from their spots and tried searching for some place to stay.

This time Damien led the way as they searched for a place to stay for the night.  Katia noticed Nathan lagging behind and slowed down so that she was walking next to him.

"You okay?" She asked.

Nathan nodded and smiled sleepily at her. "Yeah, just tired from all of the flying."

"This is all so insane, even by our standards," Katia said. "Did you know that was sorta my first time in an airplane?"

Nathan laughed a bit and stared at Katia in disbelief. "No way!"

"It's true," Katia told him. There had never been a reason for her to board an airplane before. She always wanted to know what it was like to fly in the sky, and in a way she got more than she bargained for meeting Nathan.

"Well I have to say this was a little more exciting than an actual airplane," Nathan said. "They don't let you touch the clouds there."

"Then looks like I got lucky," Katia replied with a smile.

Katia and Nathan noticed that Damien and Celia had stopped walking. They were both looking up at a small motel, and they just stood outside staring up at it.

"We don't have enough money to afford a night," Celia said annoyingly.

"Let's sneak in," Nathan suggested as he walked around back. "We could fly up to that balcony and use the room for the night."

The others didn't think it was the best thing to do, but it was better than standing outside soaked in the rain all night. Nathan grabbed their hands and hoisted them up into the air. They flew to the tenth floor and on to the balcony. Katia tried the door. She pulled the handle but it didn't open.

"It's locked," she said sadly.

"Wait let me try something," Nathan told them.

He closed his eyes and tried to visualize the lock. He sent a small breeze inside the tiny opening, and they heard a small click. Nathan tried the door again and this time it opened up. The four of them ran inside the warm room. Celia and Nathan rushed over to the bed while Damien ran to the sofa.

"I missed having a bed!" Celia gasped, collapsing on to the soft mattress. Nathan laid down next to her, exhausted from the long flight.

"I call taking a shower first!" Katia screamed running into the bathroom.

"No fair! I flew you guys all the way here," Nathan protested, jumping up from the bed with tousled hair.

"You snooze, you lose," Katia smirked before shutting the door and locking it. Within a few minutes they heard the shower running.

Damien began searching for the remote and turned the TV on to the sports channel. He laid back on the sofa as he watched the soccer game intently. Celia opened up the little fridge and started to raid it, filling her bag until the fridge was empty. She stuffed it with candy, sodas, nuts, and bags of chips. She thought about taking the alcohol but ended up leaving it in its place. Soda tasted much better anyway.

Searching for the KeyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora