Chapter 12

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(Aka meaning that 1. I did not know it was a trigger or 2. I forgot the name. I apologize ahead of time-)


Asia looked at the large gates before her.

You'd think such a grand place would be known by almost everyone- but sadly, it's been abandoned and avoided for decades because of the horror stories that surrounds it.

The large doors began to slowly creak open, you could tell that it wasn't properly taken care of for years.

"*Bzzzzt* welcome home muffin~" the chilling voice ran through the intercom, her voice filled with ice that it wafted Asia with a sense of dread.

"WAH-" the intercom was suddenly silenced.

And Asia's eyes was filled with never ending, burning anger, she will get her children out. No. Matter. What.

She clicked her tongue "Itadamia, bitch."

She walked through the gates, the crunching of dead leaves under her feet as well as the occasional 'who's' of owls nearby.

She walked through the gates, the crunching of dead leaves under her feet as well as the occasional 'who's' of owls nearby

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[Look at the cute banner..... LOOK AT IT-]

Asia stared at castle-like building, shrouded in darkness- almost like the villains home in those fairytales.

This was the building that Asia grew up in. 'Raised' in.

She utterly despised it.

She touched the door. It began to open before she even pushed it. A large man with stitches on his face as well as different colored patches littered across his skin stood.

"Yo---un--g Mis---s." His voice was crackly, void of emotion. [Young miss]

Asia bit her lip looking at the man, her eyes already welling up with tears "Demetri....what did they do to you?"

The man blinked once. "Th---e Ma---dam and Mas--ter, are wa---iting." [the madam and master are waiting.]

Asia gulped, pushing back the emotions, she nodded "take me to them".

The older man began to walk, his footsteps were loud- precise, rhythmic. Asia followed not that far behind. Her own feet heavy.

She stopped in front of the basement.

....the basement....

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2021 ⏰

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