Chapter Three

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Ok- so someone laughed at her brain fart but she honestly didn't care- things are going fine, everything is great- is that a grape grabbing her ass?


She looked down at a literal 5 year old with purple balls on his head-squeezing her ass as though they were long time friends or some shit, she looked back at her classmates, and they all looked down at the thing, some looking at him in hatred (the girls) and some looking at him in disgust (boys) and some looking at him as though he were a daredevil (both girls and boys).

Without much of a thought she shot strings outta her fingertips and promptly wrapped him up and hung him on the ceiling.

The students gaped her, but she looked so done with life in general she didn't do much but blink.

"Are we aloud to use our quirks in class?" She said to her new teacher, he looked back at her- she's relating too much. Seriously.-

"No" and she nodded and went to sit down, not even freeing the kid, and the students couldn't help but gape as she walked by.

Azizwa sweat-drop before continuing the lesson, and eventually forgetting about one of his students.


The bell ranged and it was the end of the day, Asia was in the middle of packing when a hand slammed down on her desk, she followed the arms until she was looking face to face with the red-head that laughed at her brain-fart smiling brightly back at her.


"Your quirk is so cool!" He practically beamed

"Thanks?" Damn she really needs to get home, and pay the neighbor double, because she was planning on staying an hour or two, but she stayed for a good four.

"Oh! My quirk lets me harden my body" he said quickly, as though he offended her somehow.

Her eyes sparked a little, a hardening quirk? That's actually pretty cool....

"Really? That's cool." She stated she wasn't as excited as him, but he knew she wasn't being rude.

"My names Kirishima Eijiro"

"Asia" she reintroduced herself.

"If you don't mind me asking-how did you get in?"

"I saved a convent store from being robbed, and then Nezu-principal was there, we talked and he basically enrolled me" That's really all that happened

The red-head eyes sparkled "you saved a store!" He practically shouted getting the attention of the rest of the class.

"Convince store." She corrected

"That's so cool!"

"It's really not much, I get to have free things from there now." She shrugged.

She looked at her watch "Yo, it was great talking to you, but I gotta go to the principals office-asshole shoved me into class without warning." She said, the red-head gaped at her.

She looked at the camera that was in the corner of the room, before giving it the middle-finger, and poor Kirishima's eyes bugged out even more.

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