II ~ Summerbreak 1993

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*Time skip*

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*Time skip*

Ever since Asteria Malfoy got sorted in to Hufflepuff the following two years had been quite eventful at school. Due to the Voldemort face on a teachers head incident and the chamber of secrets thing. During her first year she grew close to brown haired Susan Bones and they became iseperable. When the duo wasn't sleeping, studying or going to classes they were always together either talking about the newest gossip or helping Professor Sprout in the greenhouses. Ofcourse the girls talked to the other students around Hogwarts but they never seemed to grow even a little close with anybody else. Even though Asteria wasn't in the same house as her twin brother they still talked at school like they used to do at home. Draco was very different at school compared to how he was at home, in school he was always rude and bullying other students, altough at home he was scared of his own father at the same time he was following him like a tail always wanting to do what he did. 

Asteria on the other hand had also changed, at Hogwarts everybody saw her as the kind and joyful girl always with a smile on her lips. She didn't judge people by looks and blood status which made her a favorite among the both the teachers and students. At Hogwarts she felt safe and happy compared to when she was home. After first year her father yelled at her constantly, even during her first week at home she wasn't allowed to eat dinner with them. She barely ate or slept and was always quiet afraid of felling a tear. Whenever her mother or brother came to check up on her she always sat in her bed with her hair messy reading a book having dark circles under her eyes. But when she was back at Hogwarts the only people who noticed the huge amount of weight she had lost was Susan Bones and Professor Sprout, she told them everything about how her father yelled at her and how she felt like the biggest dissapointment a parent could get. During classes she always had a smile on her lips knowing that it looked normal, but inside she was lost and screaming for help.

It was currently the last day as a second year at Hogwarts and Asteria found herself looking in the mirror. She had finally sterted to become a lot more happier compared to how she felt when she started her second year. Thanks to her partner in crime, Susan had helped her laugh, eat and sleep, Asteria couldn't wish for a better friend. She gulped as she saw herself in the mirror and remembered the scenario that had been on replay in her mind for about a week now. Asteria was scared for how her father would react when he saw her at home. Her father Lucius Malfoy had been at Hogwarts multiple times this year and one day he had accidently seen Asteria and Susan talking to the golden trio. After seing his daughter haning out with Harry Potter, a Weasley boy and a muggleborn he had taked his daughter aside with a furios look on his face.

"We will talk about this at home" he told her giving her a disgusting look and then left her.


She had just gotten out of the carriage and was walking hand in hand with Susan talking about the different plants that Professor Sprout had teached them in herbology yesterday. The pair went onboard the train trying to find an empty compartment and after a while they did so, neither of the girls was rather tall wich resulted in their trunks standing on the floor instead of on the shelves. Asteria's fluffy ginger cat Tiger made himself comfortable next to Asteria who was sitting by the window. Infront of her sat Susan who was about to let her black owl Ink out the window so she could fly back to London. 

Falling Asleep With A Smile ~ A Neville Longbottom fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now