XVI ~ Ravenclaw

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Hi, my loves, sorry for a late update, as you might've heard I've started another book, feel free to check it out, otherwise here is the new chapter. The girl on the gif up here is the actor Shay Mitchell who I have fan cast for Jessica Byrne, Asteria's roommate who spends her time studying, sleeping, and with Ravenclaws.

Don't forget to vote and comment<3

Almost three weeks had passed by since Asteria Malfoy sat on the train back to Hogwarts for the second term of the third year. It was sad to say goodbye to her newly found relatives but she had looked forward to going back to school, except for the parts that contained homework and their exams towards the end. Otherwise, she looked forward to seeing her friends again. Before she left, Asteria, Maya, and Lucas had promised to stay in contact and talk to each other during their time there.

So once she arrived at Hogsmeade station, she was greeted by Hermione and Susan standing near one of the self pulling carriages.

The three girls had discussed their Holidays and surprisingly many had stayed at Hogwarts that Christmas. They had been excited to know about her time at the Tonks' residence but Asteria had decided to leave out the part about Lucas and Maya, instead only telling them that a few of her cousin's friends had been over during New years eve.

Now Asteria was sitting in the Gryffindor common room together with Hermione and Ginny, studying at one of the tables in a corner. Her light hair was up in a messy ponytail, making a few hair strands fall down in her face. The castle was still cold, seeing as it only was almost February. Asteria had borrowed one of Ginny's green knitted jumpers and pulled it over her white t-shirt. 

It was a Friday and the three had decided to study once their classes were over so that they could have more of a calm weekend. They had invited Susan but the auburn-haired girl had already made plans to go and look after some kind of magical creature in the forest with Luna.

Much to Hermione's dismay, they had taken a few small breaks before dinner, and almost immediately after, the three girls went back to the Gryffindor common room to finish their last homework.


"Yes, Ast?"

"Weedosoros is a poison, right?"

"Oh yeah, it's a very powerful poison" Hermione nodded, not taking her eyes off her charms book.

"Wait, how many classes are you taking Mione?" Ginny questioned the bushy-haired girl, making the girl look up from the book.

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