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Connor walked around to the backyard upon hearing Eddie's name.

"Eddie, the stairs!"

He heard a shout that kicked his heart into over drive as he began to run toward the sound. He caught a glimpse of Eddie slamming against the concrete and saw a large man with his hands outstretched in the direction of the fall.

"Eddie!" Connor shouted and raced over to him, his eyes were closed in unconsciousness for a moment before he began to stir. His eyes were dazed as he looked around, his vision blurred and fuzzy. He felt the denim of someone's jeans under his neck. He didn't care who it was. "Eddie, can you hear me?" Connors voice was loud and made Eddie's ears ring. "What did you do?"

The commotion gathered a crowd and soon Richie was wandering outside, chatting with Elio and some other guys. When his gaze landed on the scene however, he shoved people out of the way to get to Eddie who was being propped up by Connor.

"What happened?" His voice was panicked as he knelt to Eddie and took over for Connor, cradling his head. "Hey, Eds. You okay?" Richie whispered to him and brushed his hair away from his dizzy brown eyes. Eddie did not respond, just stared at Richie, he didn't feel like responding.

"What did you do?!" Connor shouted to Danny and lunged at him. Danny avoided his grab and stepped aside.

"What? I didn't do anything. He fell down the stairs." Danny explained, irritation lingering on his tone. Connor shook his head and lunged again.

"I saw your arms out as he fell. Did you fucking push him?" Connor shoved Danny back.

"What the fuck? Of course I didn't. Why would I?" Danny grabbed him by the front of the shirt and pulled him close. "I think you should calm down... now." He warned through clenched teeth. Connor gulped, glancing back at his posse, waiting to pounce. He pushed back against him and backed away.

"I knew you were bad news." Connor muttered. "If only they knew who you really are." Danny's jaw clenched and his gaze scrutinized Connor dramatic display.

"You don't know what you're talking about." He said simply and nodded to his boys who lead Connor inside, away from the crowd.

"What happened? It was only you two out here." Elio whispered. "You realize what this looks like, Danny."

"Can we talk about this in a smaller group?" Danny questioned quietly, staring at Elio pleadingly. The hesitation that followed was momentary as Elio searched his gaze for a shred of guilt.

"Yes." He whispered. "Let's go back to the party guys, we have this handled." Everyone slowly filed back into the party, whispering amongst themselves. "Explain yourself please."

"We were just talking." Danny said and sighed, rubbing his forehead. He looked at Eddie, a soft frown playing at his lips. "He started acting weird. Like he couldn't breathe. He didn't seem like he was even here anymore. Almost like he was trapped in his own mind. A prisoner..." he trailed off, his heart breaking as he watched Eddie start to sit up and become more lucid. "I backed away to give him space and he started walking backwards; he was going towards the stairs and I told him to stop, but he kept going. I tried to grab him before he slipped, but I missed. You have to believe I would never hurt him." Danny stopped and sighed, giving a sad half smile. "I don't have to. Someone has already hurt him beyond repair... There's something about him. Something off."

So he noticed it too. Elio eyed Eddie as well, a frown at his lips. He had a magnetizing aura, something that drew people to him, to his story. Elio feared it was a story Eddie wasn't ready to tell.

Richie wasn't paying them any attention; his full attention was on Eddie. He whispered to him and rubbed his back. "You okay? Can you hear me?" He could worry about what happened later, all that mattered was that Eddie was okay. He managed a nod, followed by a dull ache behind his head. "There's no blood."

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