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The music was loud when they arrived. Four boys filing into the random crowded house just a few blocks from campus. Eddies palms sweated and trembled slightly from nerves, Richies sturdy and warm hand on the small of his back gave him a boost of courage to step through the entry way of the strangers home.

"I know the guy. He's a third year." Elio raised his voice over the music to talk to them. "Names like Daniel or something like that. I've been to a few of his parties before. Knows my cousin." He explained shortly before guiding them to the kitchen where drinks were scattered everywhere. "Here, Connor? Right?" Elio questioned. Connor nodded and gave a friendly smile as he grabbed the drink offered to him.

"Thanks." He said, Elio just patted him on the back and chuckled. Richie grabbed two drinks and handed one to Eddie. His sweet doe eyes looked at the drink, remembering what had happened last time he drank. Not much to lose. His conscience unenthusiastically egged him to drink the mysterious substance, and he did. As Connor and Elio were carrying on a conversation. A guy with black hair and blue eyes waltzed up to them and extended a hand to Eddie first.

"Why hello there," his voice was smooth and a little bit mischievous, it reminded Eddie of the feeling of striking a match. "My names Danny." Eddie stared at the extended hand for a moment longer before taking it in a solid handshake.

"Im Richie." Richie interrupted and extended his hand in front of Eddie, sensing the unease from him. Eddie relaxed at this interjection. He wasn't in the mood to socialize much, he just wanted to drink. Danny stared at Eddie for a moment longer before smiling over to Richie and taking his hand.

"Pleasure to meet you." He said through his teeth kindly, turning to Connor. "And you must be Connor?" Connor nodded, surprised that the man knew him.

"Uh, yeah. How did y-"

"Went to camp with Henry when we were younger. Was an acquaintance for awhile." Danny shrugged before changing the subject. "Elio! My man, you bring these new comers to the party." Elio shared a laugh with Danny and a fist bump.

"You know I did. I gotta get all the freshman hooked on your awesome parties." Elio lied, that wasn't the reason he had invited them. He had invited them because there was a look in Eddies eyes that he would've done anything to make go away. He couldn't admit that though, he had only known this boy for a day really. The connection that he felt to him was something beyond what he'd ever made with a stranger before. It confused and intrigued him.

"Right on." Danny said and nodded, glancing to Eddie once more before walking away. All four of them watched him walk away.

"That was odd." Elio said and took a long slow drink. Eddie shook his head and narrowed his eyes curiously.

"Why was that odd?" Eddie asked. Elio stared at Danny a moment longer before adjusting his gaze to Eddie, who was nervously sipping his alcohol.

"He rarely introduces himself to the partiers. He'll usually just continue partying with his friends. Occasionally he'll come say hi to me, but to full on introduce himself to a bunch of freshman? Weird." Elio explained.

"He said he knew Henry." Eddie offered. "Maybe he recognized Conner?"

"Yeah maybe." Richie said and then changed the subject. "This alcohol tastes like shit." Elio laughed at this and nodded.

"Yeah, Danny gets Everclear from his grandparents. It's like 90 proof or something. Shits nasty. He'll mix it with a bunch of juices to hide the alcohol flavor, so overall it's super diluted, but it tastes like straight disinfectant."

"Is that safe..." Eddie questioned, hesitant on his next sip.

"Yeah, it just gets you drunk faster." Elio said and pointed to the drink. "So be careful. I wouldn't  have more than one or two drinks, tastes like he didn't dilute it very well."

As the party went on, Eddie sipped at his horrible tasting drink. Richie was working on his second drink and laughing at nearly everything that happened.

"Eds," he slurred and grabbed his chin. "You look so good tonight. I could just eat you up." The alcohol on his breath burned Eddies nose and he smirked at Richie, the touch making his body feel warm.

"I love you." Eddie whispered to him as their noses touched. Richie pecked a small kiss on his lips and nuzzled his neck.

"I love you too." He muttered against his skin.

As the night continued, the air was getting thicker and harder for Eddie to breath, the faint smell of wet pennies wafted through the house and he could just barely make out the sound of rain from outside. All the bodies pressed together in the house generated heat, a heat that smothered Eddie. I need air. He spotted a back door in the kitchen, he assumed it led to a back yard of sorts.

"Hey, I'm gonna step outside and get some air." Eddie muttered to Richie who was busy drunkenly talking with someone.

"Hmm? You want me to come with?" Richie asked, suddenly serious and sober sounding. Eddie shook his head and gave a convincing smile.

"No, that's okay. I'll only be a minute. It just got hot in here is all." Eddie explained as Richie nodded and kissed him on the forehead. He quickly walked towards the back door, pushing it open and receiving a well needed burst of cold air and mist from the rain. It wasn't quite pouring yet, more of a heavy sprinkle. He rested his arms against the railing of a shabby chipped white patio, the paint flakes crunching against his jacket. The crisp damp air was cold in his lungs as he inhaled slowly, calming himself.

"I didn't catch your name." A voice sounded behind Eddie, making him jump.

"Oh shit, you scared the hell out of me." He breathed out and chuckled softly. Danny walked over to stand next to him, leaning against the patio in a similar fashion. "Sorry, what did you say?" Eddie asked after his heart stopped pounding.

"Your name?" He clarified again, his tone friendly. "I didn't catch it."

"Oh, right. Sorry about that. My name is Eddie." He introduced himself and ruffled his damp hair in his hands, enjoying the slight breeze that picked up. The alcohol made him feel a bit more sociable.

"Sorry if I frightened you earlier." Danny said after a a short pause, watching Eddies soft hands tousle his mop of wet hair. "I recognized Elio. Haven't seen you at any parties before?" A soft chuckle sounded from the short brunette and he faced towards the trees lining the backyard.

"Yeah, uhm, not really my scene."

"You're here now though." He offered and gestured towards the house. "What made you come tonight?"

"Elio offered. Sounded fun."

"No." Danny said accusingly. Eddie glanced at him quickly before taking a big gulp of the burning liquid in his cup.

"What?" He said. Danny shook his head and laughed. "Seriously, what?" A quick turn on his heel, directed his attention to the tall black haired man. Danny looked him up and down, paying close attention to the baby pink color blushing his cheeks and nose and the unknown emotion drowning the beautifully captivating brown of his big sweet eyes.

"That's not why you came." Danny sighed and took Eddies previous stance, now watching the trees. "I know that look in your eyes. I recognized it as soon as I saw you." The rain grew heavier within the hesitation of Danny's next words. "You're running from something."

"Wh-" Eddie began flabbergasted, but was cut off almost immediately.

"Oh, it's alright. We all are in a way. Most people who frequent parties of this magnitude, have something they are trying to avoid." Danny carefully lit a cigarette and took a long drag. "Nothing to be ashamed about."

"I'm not ashamed." Eddie said quickly.

"Of course not." The simple response boiled Eddies blood. He doesn't believe me. "So than," he offered Eddie the cigarette, raising an inquisitive and charming brow, "what's your poison? What are you running from, Eddie?"

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