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"I know where you keep going." Connors voice sounded behind Eddie in the courtyard causing him to spill his drink.

"Holy shit, Connor." Eddie exhaled slowly and closed his eyes, trying to calm his pounding heart. "You. Scared. The shit. Out of me." He spoke slowly and then realized what Connor had said. "Wait what? What are you talking about?"

"I know that you keep sneaking off to hang out with Danny and his crew." Connor narrowed his eyes at Eddie as he shifted uncomfortably. "You don't know what you're getting yourself into."

"Oh please." Eddie rolled his eyes. "I have no idea what you're talking about. And besides even if I was. How is it any of your business? I'm an adult. I'm not sneaking off like a child. I can go where I please and last I checked, I didn't owe anybody an explanation. Least of all, you." Connor flinched at this, a pain like an old wound opening up. The hurt reflected in Connors bright blue eyes nearly drowned Eddie, his stomach churning with guilt. "Look..."

"No." Connor said angrily. "It's fine. I get it. Do what you want, Eddie. Just heed my warning. I'm not about to let you get hurt, neither is Richie. You should really distance yourself from Danny." Connor started to walk away, but Eddie stopped him by his sleeve.

"Connor... I really don't know what you're talking about. I've just been going to study group." Eddie sounded convincing, Connor couldn't lie about that, but he knew it wasn't true. Connor scoffed and grabbed Eddie by the chin, gently shaking Eddies head back and forth like a child and looking into his eyes daringly.

"That may work on Richie, hell, almost everything you do does. You have him wrapped around your finger." Connor paused a moment and thought, rubbing his thumb against Eddies cheek briefly before letting go of him completely. "You don't have me fooled, Bambi. Just be careful."

Bambi? Eddie stared after him, confused and frustrated. How dare he try to tell me to stay away from Danny. What I do is none of his business. Eddie glanced at him once more before turning the opposite direction and walking away. What does that mean though? Heed his warning? What does he think I'm getting myself into? He shook off these thoughts, no longer caring what they meant as he walked into the woods, the trees nearly completely dead and leafless for winters coming. The sunset beams broke through the branches and cast shadows among the cool and hard dirt. Taunting dark fingers, reaching out to grab and drag him with them.

Danny refused to continue their physical lessons until his ankle was better. They spend the majority of the time giving him tips and tricks. Now, he could walk without limping all the time, it only took him two weeks. Kade had been suspended from their hang outs for awhile because of Eddies ankle injury. A decision Eddie strongly disagreed with, to him it just wasn't a big deal, it was an accident. It wasn't like he had drugged him, kidnapped him, and tried to murder him.

That was something Eddie admired about Danny. He didn't try to protect him. He wasn't a delicate little flower to him. Eddie was capable in his eyes. Strong. Feisty. Smart. Smaller, sure, but a natural nonetheless. Eddie started to hunger for their lessons. That feeling of power that he got when fighting someone bigger than him. They weren't intending to hurt him, he supposes it would be much harder if he was up against someone who was genuinely trying to injure him. But at least he had an idea on what to do. None of the guys wanted to give it their all, for fear of hurting Eddie and being suspended from the group indefinitely by Danny.

"Look, we aren't trying to hurt you. That does you no good. We are trying to teach you. You can't learn if you have a broken bone every other week."

That was how Danny explained it to him when he had asked why they weren't giving it their all.

"You just aren't ready yet."

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