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Doe brown eyes glanced between the rows of trees, filled with green and yellow ombréd leaves going through the early fall change. The fresh picked apple breeze tousled his hair and intoxicated him, the slight smell of musky rain lingered as he splashed through the small pools of water on the sidewalk.

It had been raining mostly the whole day, typical of that time of year. Eddie had no idea where he was walking to, but he didn't mind. He just wanted to feel the cool air on his face. The wind swept away his thoughts, carrying his focus with it as well.

"Watch the fuck out, Loser." A gruff sounding voice said as Eddie crashed into something.

"Oh... sorry." Eddie mumbled, still not fully paying attention. He attempted to walk away but the guy grabbed his shirt and pulled him back.

"Oh no, you aren't going anywhere yet." He said and gestured to the vest he was wearing, a gold embroidered symbol on the left breast. "Not until you apologize to the cashmere."

"I thought bullies were a high school thing." Eddie sounded amused as he stared at the man, half expecting him to laugh and say he was kidding. Although, the expression adorning the guys face told him otherwise. "You're joking right?" Eddie chuckled humorlessly. The mans dark brown hair fell over his deep green eyes, his nose was protruding much in a way similar to how Mr. James' had. If he didn't know any better, he would assume this was Mr. James' son or even a younger version of him. He swallowed the lump that had form in his throat and placed his shaking hands on top of the mans.

"Do I look like I'm joking?" He growled and lifted him off the ground slightly. Eddies eyes widened as his feet hovered and swung slightly. "I said apologize to the cashmere... pretty boy." He blinked rapidly at the man, still processing what was even happening on school campus. Bullies in college? He really thought that was strictly an adolescent trait. Judging by the symbol on his shirt however, he assumed that this particular man was one of high status and money.

"I-I..." Eddie stammered, unable to pull his eyes away from him. His group of rich boys behind him all stared at Eddie with smug expressions, he hadn't even noticed they were there till now.

"Theo... what the hell are you doing?" A familiar sounding voice came from behind Eddie and he turned his head to meet gazes with a tall handsome man, his dark icy stare fixated on Eddies frightened honey eyes. The intruder recognized the small brunette immediately and clenched his jaw.

"Danny?" Eddie managed to choke out. Danny quickly snapped back to reality, glaring at Theo.

"Put him down." Danny demanded. Theo started to chuckle and carefully set Eddie down on the ground.

"He still has to apologize to my vest." Theo said and shrugged. "It's likely worth more than your life." Theo pulled him close again and lowered his voice.

"I don't doubt that..." Eddie muttered subconsciously, leaning his head back and away from Theo.

"Let him go." Danny instructed, his voice held authority. Theo glared to Danny, hesitating in his request but eventually releasing Eddie completely. "Now, apologize to my friend here." He told Theo, who then began to laugh.

"I'm not going to apologize to this loser. He's the one who should-" a flash of something went through Danny's eyes and sparked an unsettling electricity in the air between them. Theo grew rigid and sniffed, nodding his head and turning to Eddie. He forced a fake smile and patted him on the shoulder. "I... apologize." He said through closed teeth, before storming past Danny with his friends.

"I- what just happened?" Eddie asked after they were no longer in ear shot. Danny stared after them a moment longer before smiling nonchalantly to him.

"Have you had dinner yet?" Danny grabbed Eddies hand and pulled him along. "The café always has great dinner options here."

"N-no I haven't. Wait, shouldn't I find Richie and them first? We were gonna eat together." Eddie stammered as he trailed behind Danny's fast paced figure.

"Don't worry about it, I got it covered already."

Once they had arrived to the café, Danny released Eddies hand and let him follow to the line. The walls were a comforting cream color with random paintings and murals done by the art department. It had character, a personality. The following minutes felt like they had taken only seconds and before he had even realized, Eddie was sitting at a table with a plate of fancy smelling pasta, a breadstick, and steamed broccoli.

"So, about outside..." Eddies mind kept trailing back to what happened. Those powerful men seemed so scared of Danny. Why? "What exactly happened there?"

Danny's chewing slowed and he looked to be considering a few different responses to give him. "Uhm, I don't know." He said simply before adding, "I honestly didn't think it was gonna work." The lilt in his voice told Eddie that was a lie. "Confidence can work wonders, you know. Present yourself as confident and watch others falter."

Present yourself as confident and watch others falter. Eddie thought this over, wondering just how to pretend to be confident. "How?"

"How what?"

"How do you-"

"Hey, there you are!" Elio slammed his plate down happily next to Danny. Richie and Connor following suit. Richie took a seat next to Eddie, draping his arm over his slender shoulder and pecking him on the cheek.

"I was worried when I couldn't find you." Richie said and smiled at him sweetly. "I'm glad you were with Danny though." Eddie nodded and caught the look in Richie's eye as he met gazes with Danny, a look of suspicion, a look Eddie assumed he too held within his gaze. The guy who made a powerful rich, my clothes cost more than your life, kind of man cower and submit to his wishes with just a look. The guy whose voice ignites mischief and acceptance, the strike of a match against old creaking wood, the smoke that followed. The mystery of a so called open book. The mystery that hung over all of their heads.

Who is Danny?

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