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The blinding light of the party gave Eddie a headache as the music pounded. This party was far more flashy than the previous one Danny had thrown. Richie handed Eddie a drink and draped an arm around him, looking out at the dancers and screamers. Neither one had seen Danny yet. He was like a puzzle to them. He seemed so real, but somehow so fake at the same time. He was definitely hiding something.

"Boo!" A voice sounded behind them and two fingers jabbed into Eddie's side, causing him to jump and almost spill his drink. Eddie turned around sharply and was met with a blinding smile and dewy golden brown skin.

"Elio," Eddie breathed out, relieved, and punched him lightly in the arm. "You startled me." Richie and Elio did their "secret" handshake that they created during lunch a few days prior, giddy when they had made it to the end smoothly with no mistakes.

"Bro that was the best time yet!" Elio laughed with Richie and began talking about starting a game of beer pong in the next room. Eddie tuned them out, the alcohol wasn't settling well with him yet. It just tasted nasty to him. As if he had just licked a freshly cleaned hospital floor.

"You good?" Richie asked and nudged Eddie's arm. Eddie nodded and gestured to his drink.

"Yeah, this drink just tastes horrible." Elio grabbed it and tasted it.

"Mm, that's because it isn't mixed right." Elio pulled him along. "I'll make you a better one." Eddie sat at the island in the kitchen while Elio raided Danny's fridge, pulling out sodas and juices of all varieties. "Ya gotta add some spice." He twinkled the fingers of his left hand and poured the juice in with his right.

"Richie!" A voice sounded suddenly and a short man appeared with sandy blonde hair and hazel eyes. "Wanna help us set up some beer pong?"

"You read our minds!" Richie glanced at Eddie and then smiled sweetly. "Give me a sec though." His hand grabbed Eddie's and squeezed lightly. "You doing okay? Do you wanna come with and play some pong?" Eddie began to speak, but then caught a glimpse of Danny in the backyard.

"I'll be fine, Rich. Go win some pong!" Eddie laughed and nudged him away. Richie gave him a short sweet kiss on the lips, leaving a perfect honey smile on Eddie's face.

"Here's your drink, Eds. I'm gonna go help them with pong." Elio handed him the drink after carefully mixing it for him. Eddie gave him a small salute with his fingers and took the drink gratefully. With just one taste he could tell this one was much better than the previous. After a while, a fuzzy feeling replaced the constant static, still buzzy, but comforting instead of deafening. Eddie hung out alone for a moment before finding his way to the backyard to get some air.

"Aye, Eddie Teddy." Danny gestured for him to approach the group of guys all smoking and hanging out. Eddie carefully made his way over to them.

"Eddie Teddy?" He questioned, another nickname to add to the running list.

"Of course. Because your cute and small like a Teddy, but fierce and smart like a bear." Danny explained. Eddie was confused by this comparison, unfazed by the cute and small comment.

"Rrright." Eddie looked at everyone around. All the men there were huge, covered in tattoos and piercings. They looked mean. "Don't call me that." He said sternly and met Danny's eyes. Danny looked taken back, as did everyone else in the group. This small adorable teddy bear just demanded something from Danny. One man even looked a little afraid. Danny's face was blank for but a moment, then a small smirk crawled across his face.

"There's the fierceness bubbling through, Teddy." Danny chuckled and took a cigarette out of his pocket, offering it to Eddie.

"It's Eddie." He said simply and took the cigarette with less hesitation than the first time.

"Right," Danny nudged Eddie playfully, handing him a lighter. The group of men looked confused, but relieved that something else didn't occur. For some reason, Danny's tone and nickname didn't bother or annoy Eddie, despite knowing the intent was to irritate. It made him feel like he was one step closer to finding out the mystery that is Danny. After Eddie began to smoke his cigarette, coughing fewer times than before and joking around with Danny light heartedly, he gained the courage to ask him a question.

"So, earlier this week. That guy that was starting shit. Why was he so afraid of you?" Eddie questioned, blowing smoke out through his mouth. Danny shrugged off the question, almost too quickly.

"Eh, he's just a pussy. Guys scared of his own shadow." Danny laughed with the rest of the guys. Eddie shook his head.

"That's not true, Danny." Eddie retorted. "He was about ready to tear me apart. He didn't seem scared to me. Until you came by. Why was he really scared of you?" One of the men opened their mouths to speak, they were much bigger than Danny was.

"Well, D-" Danny glared at the man, who immediately shut his mouth and adverted his gaze. Just as soon as the glare had happened, it was gone and replaced with a soft innocent smile directed at Eddie. He would've missed it if he wasn't paying attention. Eddie narrowed his gaze at Danny. He leaned closer to him, gaining confidence from the nicotine and liquor.

"I know you're lying to me, Danny." Eddie said, daring him to do something. Danny leaned in as well, bringing their noses close, no longer smiling.

"Yo, kid you should probably-"

"Leave us." Danny whispered to the guys. He did not have to say it twice, the men left quickly and went inside. "Eddie, why are you asking so many questions?" He placed a pointer finger under Eddie's chin and lifted his head slightly, studying his face. It was void of fear or intimidation and instead held curiosity and bravery.

"Why are you deflecting so many questions?" Eddie shot back. Danny paused at this for a moment. Feisty one. He thought and smirked, grabbing his flushed cheeks with his hands and squishing them together softly, making his lips part.

"Let's just say, I have connections." Danny whispered vaguely. "Do I sense a connection here?" Danny's electric eyes bore into Eddie's. Eddie stared back, a feeling building up in his stomach and climbing up his throat. He held back a chuckle, snickering quietly before beginning to laugh hysterically, joined shortly by Danny.

"You're so weird." Eddie laughed. The sound was a melody to the world, soft and on perfect pitch. Happiness made him glow. Danny saw this broken beautiful light in him and his laughter faltered as he just begun to stare at Eddie.

As his laugh died down, he noticed Danny's eyes on him. "Is everything okay?" He chuckled softly again and took a deep breath. His cheeks were a light pink from laughing so hard and his eyes watered slightly.

"Who hurt you?" Danny whispered absently. Edward... Edward... whispers crept up Eddie's spine and grabbed him by the throat, a feeling that was not new to him. His breath hitched slightly and he fluttered his hand to his throat searching for the culprit, but nothing was there. "Whoa, are you okay?" Danny backed up as he watched Eddie's demeanor change, the light had dimmed out and a new Eddie stood before him. A fearful and smaller one, almost as if he was a child.

Don't make me tell you again. Eddie shook his head, backing up a step. Maybe he hasn't even noticed you're gone. Another step. I know, Eddie. Step. You don't want to wake your mother. Step.

"Eddie..." Danny started towards him. "The stairs, Eddie."

Your skin is so soft. Eddie continued to back up.

"Eddie, the-"

You smell different. Step. You won't remember. Step. Step. I won't let you.

"Eddie, the stairs!" Danny shouted and reached out for him, just barely missing him.

Eddie's trembling hands weren't stable enough to grab on to the railing as his foot slipped and he fell backwards down the stairs, landing roughly on the cement, his head bouncing off the pavement and his eyes fluttering closed.

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