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The reddish brown bricks overlaid each other as they rose higher into the bleak morning sky. Eddie had one hand gripped on to his suitcase and the other shoved into his pants pocket. This was it. The wide steps leading up to the front door of his dorm building were daunting, a slight tremble in his step as he took each one with care. Every movement taking him one step closer to his future, his freedom.

There was a melodic chirping of warbler birds in the the thick groves of trees on either side of front yard, calming his static nerves. This was it. He placed a brave hand on the door, pulling it open so that he could enter. Cherry wood stair cases and hand carved railings glinted with the soft fluorescent lighting, giving the room a classic old home feel. It smelled of the coffee from the community room and black cherry vanilla wood polish.

The stairs were sleek and shiny, daring him to misstep in his ascent to the third floor where his room would be waiting for him. He had already told Richie his room number, 312. Richie was a floor down from him being in room 204. Old fashioned short emerald green carpet garnished the hall, along with satin curtains of flowers with emerald green leaves and stems. The retro feel of the dorm hall was warm and inviting. His door was made of the same cherry wood as the rest of the furnishings in the building were, it had simple curly designs along the edges and a golden, tarnish free, knob that fit perfectly into his palm when he turned it.

As he opened the door to room 312, he first set eyes on an empty bed covered with a simple gray sheet and one pillow. The frame was a simple and 'shocking' cherry wood box housing his twin sized mattress. As he looked around the room he noticed a tall boy with golden brown skin and short light brown curly twists. His honey eyes caught Eddies just in time and a friendly smile came across his face.

"Hey! You must be my dorm mate!" He exclaimed and walked up to shake Eddies hand. This mans soft and gentle features seemed very familiar to him. "It's a pleasure to meet you officially."

"Yes, it's great to meet you as well. I- I'm sorry, but-" he paused and closed his eyes trying to think. "Have I met you before?" The man thought for a moment before a sheepish smile came across his face.

"I'm Elio, I was at your birthday party, the one where the fight broke out." His hands made a fan gesture at the word 'fight'. A blush of embarrassment rose to Eddies cheeks as he thought back to that night.

"Right, right. Sorry about that." Eddie said before adding, "thank you by the way. Connor was super drunk. That could've ended poorly." Elio shook his head and chuckled.

"No need to thank me. I just did what any decent human being should've done." They shared a comfortable smile for a moment, the chemistry building in the air between them.

"Spaghetti!" Richies voice came from down the hall and both boys froze, one in confusion and the other in loving annoyance. "Hey, there you are." Richie met eyes with Elio and marched up to him and shook his hand. "Hey, you're that kid that helped justify Connors ass beating. You're a real team player." He winked at Elio charmingly before resting his arm around Eddies shoulders.

"What a charmer." Elio laughed and gestured to the room. "Go ahead and make yourself comfortable. I already chose my bed if that's okay." He gestured towards the left side of the room, a twin bed dressed up in a orangish comforter.

"Great. Thanks again." Eddie said to him just before he walked out of the room. Richie sat on the foot of the bed after Eddie had made it and talked with him as he emptied out his suitcase.

"So, that guy is your room mate, huh?" Richie questioned and laid back against the pillow. Eddies gentle eyes followed his frame to the pillow, his dark brown waves pressed against the light blue pillowcase, his jaw relaxed as his sharp chin tilted towards the ceiling, exposing his Adam's apple.

"Yes." Eddie commented, distracted by the way Richies throat moved when he talked, "who are you rooming with?" A smirk spread on Richies face as he caught Eddies tender gaze watching him.

"Some quiet sap. His name was like Josh or something like that." A wisp of desire pulled Eddie to  Richies side, dared him to lay next to him. "You alright?" His voice grew serious and protective. A look of uncertainty passed Eddies face and he stared at Richie.

"I can't shake this feeling," he muttered, twisting his hands around each other. "This feeling of... mortality." The feeling was hot and sticky, inside of his lungs, drowning him in thick ambivalence. It was dark and lonely, silence so loud it rattled his brain and made his ears ring. Covered in dead brittle grass, the sky reflecting the abyss in his consciousness. Fear. Death.

Richie shook his head, pulling Eddie close to him. "It's okay, Eddie." He kissed him on his forehead. "It'll be okay. You are alive. You are okay. Everything is alright." The words meant well, Eddie knew that much. Being told that he was okay, when he felt everything but; was disheartening at best. Why couldn't he just feel... bad?

"You're right." Eddie sighed and forced a smile. "I'm alive." Are you? "I'm here."


"Oh hey." Elio said as he walked into the dorm to a dazed Eddie, laying in his bed and staring at the ceiling. When he received no reaction from the short brunette, he tried again. "What's up? You okay?" He didn't understand why, but he felt drawn to Eddie. A magnetic pull to his aura. There was something interesting about him, he wanted to get to know more about who he is.

"Huh? Oh, hey, sorry." Eddie sat up, his doe eyes looked sad and conflicted. Elio's heart ached at this, he longed to comfort him, to hug him.

"You alright?" He asked again, resisting sitting on the bed next to him. Something clicked in Eddie. Elio caught the switch immediately, even more curious about the history that resides in this soft featured brunette.

"I'm alright. Thank you." Eddie forced a smile, he can't remember what he was thinking about before Elio walked in. His memory is clouded by so much, hazing his thoughts in a thick fog.

He's lying. Elio thought faintly before deciding to sit next to him on his bed. "There's a welcoming party going on, off campus. You wanna go? We can go get charmer boy." He says referencing Richie. Eddie ponders this for a moment.

What do I have to lose? The thought crosses his mind and a genuine smile takes place of his fake one.

"Yeah, I'd like that." Eddie throws on a light jacket and follows Elio out the door, down to Richies room. "Hey, Rich." He says walking in to see Richie emptying out the last bits of his suitcase. Richie looks to him, his heart fluttering at the way Eddies natural pout forms after speaking. "Wanna go to a party?" These words bring a smile of shock to his face.

"A party? Damn on the first day?" Richie walked up to Eddie and wrapped his arms around his waist, pulling him up and kissing the bottom of his chin. A warmth spread through Eddies body as he reveled in the affection. "I'm in." Richies gaze met Elios for a moment, giving him a friendly smile. "Are you the mastermind behind this party info?"

"Yes sir." Elio laughed, giving Richie a high five when he put out his hand.

"I think I'm gonna like you, dude." Richie returned the laughter.

"We should find-" Eddie started, but Richies groan interrupted him.

"Do we have to?"

Eddie rolled his eyes in his typical way before responding. "We should go find him and invite him, Richie."

"Who?" Elio questioned.

"Connor." They said in unison.

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