Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Justin glanced up at the clock, the seconds ticking by.

Was this his fault?

Of course it was.

He rubbed his sweaty hands together, a result of his anxiousness.

How could he have been so stupid? So reckless?

The door to his office opened and Justin looked up to see both his brother and Chase enter.

“Well?” Justin asked nervously.

 “Nothing.” Chase replied sadly.

Justin sighed, his fingers running through his hair as he sat down at his desk in defeat.

“Justin, I’m sorry. This is entirely my fault.” Chase spoke, walking towards Justin’s desk warily.

“I won’t disagree with you on that.” Justin quickly remarked.

Chase closed his mouth, diverting his eyes from Justin’s gaze.

“Then again, it’s my fault as well. I acted careless and this is the result.” Justin turned to look out the windows behind his desk. “You can both leave. I need to be alone.”

Justin heard the sound of footsteps walk towards the door, followed by the click of it being closed.

However, just as he let out a sigh, Jaxon appeared to his right.

“Stop it, Justin. Stop sulking.”

“I’m not sulking. I’m defeated and worried. I’ve fucked up badly this time and I don’t know what to do with myself.”

“Do something. Anything. But don’t just sit here and feel sorry for yourself and your mistakes. Yes, Alexis ran. She really ran this time, but you and I both know that this was coming. Especially since the two of you can’t seem to get your shit together.”

“Don’t try and lecture me. I’m getting enough of it from everybody else right now.”

“Well then maybe you should start listening.” Jaxon crossed his arms.

“She’s the one who’s not listening! She’s the one who keeps disappearing on me! Don’t come and talk to me about my relationship when you know nothing!” Justin spat. “Leave, Jaxon. Get out of my office.”

Justin’s eyes returned to the windows, listening as Jaxon slowly departed the room in aggravation.

Justin continued to gaze out the window for a few minutes more until his eyes traveled to his left. He studied the clear glasses of liquor on his shelf. They tempted him. He could practically feel his throat burning with the need.

However, before he could make a move, the door to his office opened once again and took him out of his trance.

“Get out.” Justin called without turning.

“I thought you wanted to talk.”

His eyes widened.

The sound of her voice had him immediately standing from his chair and turning to face her.

“Alexis?” Justin spoke quietly. He studied her. She was wearing the same clothes from yesterday, her hair sloppily thrown up into a pony tail.

“Oh, thank God.” Justin sighed, his feet carrying him quickly towards her, his hands reaching out to hold onto her head, studying her for any harm.

“I’m fine.” Alexis spoke quietly, aware of what Justin was doing.

Justin dropped his hands from her face, taking a step back. “Well that makes one of us.”

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