Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

"Oh, Alexis, look how cute!" Mrs. Radley beamed, holding up the little blue suit for her daughter to see. "Of course he's too small for it right now, but he'll grow into it."

Alexis nodded in agreement as she looked over the infant button downs that Mrs. Radley had already picked out.

"Alex is going to be the best dressed baby in the city." Alexis commented.

"Well we're starting from scratch with his wardrobe so I plan to go all out." Mrs. Radley smiled as she added the little suit into their pile.

Alexis grinned at how happy her mother was. She knew her mother had wanted grandchildren, but after Alex's arrival, Alexis learned just how much.

Her fingertips trailed along her stomach for a moment. What would her mother say about her baby?

"You know, Alex is only the first of many." Alexis mentioned.

"I know, and I can only contain so much excitement at having so many babies to look after again." Mrs. Radley replied walking towards the shelves of shoes.

"It might not be too long until we're out here shopping at baby boutiques again." Alexis continued, studying her mother's face closely.

"Oh, for Ellie's sake I hope so." Mrs. Radley sighed, lifting a pair of shoes from the shelf and placing them in the basket.

Alexis just bit her lip. She wanted to tell her mother so badly. However, the fear of her unknown reaction is what kept her from doing so.

"Even though she and Ben have Claire now, I know that won't keep them from trying to have their own." Mrs. Radley continued.

"Yeah." Alexis nodded, looking absentmindedly around the store.

"Why don't you go look for an outfit for Alex's baptism? I know you must be excited."

Alexis just nodded. "That's a good idea."

One of the saleswomen walked around the corner at that time, a large white smile on her face.

"Mrs. Radley?" the women questioned, approaching Alexis' mother.

"Yes?" Mrs. Radley looked up from the two pairs of shoes she had been examining.

"I'm Julia, I received your return shipment yesterday."

"Oh of course! How is it coming?"

"We just completed your order. We sorted out everything that was pink and replaced it all with what we had in blue."


"I also see that you've been doing a bit more shopping." Julia commented, looking at the pile of clothes Mrs. Radley and Alexis had put together.

"We'll be taking it all." Mrs. Radley replied, handing Julia one of her credit cards.

The smile on Julia's face increased tenfold. "Of course. Not a problem. We can have everything shipped to you by this evening on a rush delivery."

"Good. The only thing we are missing is a baptism outfit." Mrs. Radley looked to her daughter.

"I'm sure we can find something." Julia looked to Alexis. "We also have a collection of baptism crosses up front in the jewelry section."

"We should do that while we're here too then, Alexis." Mrs. Radley nodded.

"Justin would want to help me with that part, so I'd rather wait to do that." Alexis spoke.

"You're right." Mrs. Radley nodded with a smile. "Alexander is not doing too shabby with his new wardrobe and a pair of Biebers as godparents."

Alexis noticed as Julia's face faltered at the name Bieber.

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