Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

“Nothing. Not a trace. Everything was clean. I couldn’t find video footage, I couldn’t find hospital visitor logs, nothing. I almost feel like I’m looking for a ghost.” Josh spoke, pacing back and forth slowly in Justin’s office with thought.

Jaxon just shook his head from his seat next to Justin’s desk. “It’s actually sounding like we’re dealing with a ghost every day. An invisible man who finds amusement in tormenting us.”

Justin’s palm landed with a loud smack on his desk as he stood. “Except it’s not a ghost. It’s a real person, a person who seems to have us right where they want us. I’m tired of running in circles, and I’m tired of the fear that overcomes me each time Alexis isn’t in my eyesight. I shouldn’t have to live like this.” Justin trailed off, turning to face the windows behind his desk.

He sighed, his gaze looking straight forwards as he pushed his hands into his pockets.

“She shouldn’t have to live like this.” Justin whispered.

Jaxon turned his head to face his brother. He could tell his brother was dealing with an inner battle of some sorts. “What are you thinking Justin?”

Justin turned to face his desk slowly, his fingers grazing along the silver frame that held Alexis’ picture. “I feel as if I can’t protect her anymore.”

Nobody said anything as Justin bent his head down, his hands resting flat on the desk.

“I’ve been looking into a few trips, thought about leaving the country for a bit.”

“I guess that could put Alexis more at ease.” Jaxon replied. “However, I don’t know how willing she would be to go and leave you here.”

Justin looked over to his brother. “I would go with her Jaxon.”

Jaxon rose from his chair. “What? You can’t. You can’t run away Justin. That’s not the solution. You’ve always told me that running away is not the answer.”

“And it’s not. It’s just a thought, Jaxon. I haven’t made any permanent plans yet.”

Justin turned to Josh. “Do me a favor and look into tonight’s situation one more time for me. There has to be something. A witness, anything.”

Josh nodded. “Will do.”

Justin sighed. “I have to get to bed. Alexis is waiting up for me.”

As Justin left his office, his walk up to his bedroom was slow. He should have been more eager to get upstairs. This was the first night Alexis had officially been back. However, he was far from happy. Mental images continued to flash through his mind. Alexis crying in his arms, staring at the blood smeared warning on the wall. Having to comfort her, hold her until she could stop crying long enough to talk. The way she had clinged to him before he left her to talk with Josh and his brother. The guilt poured over him. It was his job to look out for her, yet there was only one thing he could think of to do that. Send her away.

There were simply no other options.

Justin walked into the bedroom quietly. Alexis was laying on her side in the dark room, facing the large window.

He entered the closet, peeling off his clothes until he was in only his boxers before exiting and making his way towards the bed.

He slid himself under the covers, Alexis’ back still to him.

His arm wrapped around her stomach, pulling her small body against his swiftly.

His nuzzled his face into her neck, kissing her gently.

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