Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Fast. They were moving so fast.

The wheels were flying down the road as the car tried to escape the inevitable danger that was to come.

She couldn't breathe.

She tried to, but each time she could only inhale small gasps of air.

However, the adrenaline running through her veins didn't let her notice this. All she could do was focus on their speed, on the gun, and on the man who was holding it.

A man that she admired. A man who was willing to give his life up for hers at any moment. At this moment.

His eyes floated back to meet hers. The contact was brief, but the emotion was strong and powerful.

Just this simple look brought tears to the back of her eyes. She shook her head. She knew what he was thinking. She knew what he was about to do.

And then he said words as powerful as the emotions his eyes held.

"Do you trust me?"

The wheels started sliding on the ice, his lips continued to move. Instructing her on what to do.

She couldn't do it. She couldn't leave without him. She wouldn't let him stay behind to fight when they both had a chance at getting away together.

But she didn't have time to object. More words were shared. Tears were shed, and then the car was barreling towards the curb.

Alexis shot up.

A cry escaping her throat as her face covered her hands.

She chocked on her sobs as comforting arms wrapped around her.

At the touch, she moved her hands away from her face, only to look up and find her mother soothing her.

"Don't cry, sweetie. Whatever it was, it was just a dream."

Alexis sat there in her mother's arms until her cries slowly turned to sniffles.

"Do you want to talk about it?" her mother asked.

Alexis shook her head. "Not right now."

"Is it about Justin?"

Alexis froze. Where was Justin? Had he not come back?

She pulled away from her mother's arms.

"What time is it?" she asked.

"Just about 5am."

Alexis' eyes widened. Five in the morning? Justin had been gone for hours. What did this mean? Was their small argument more than just a small argument to him?

"Do you know where he is?" Alexis asked quietly.

"He was here for a few hours to sleep on the couch. But he woke me up when he left around 4."

This made Alexis feel a little better. At least he had come back.

"Try and go back to sleep sweetheart. You're getting discharged in the morning."

Alexis laid her head back down on the pillow, her eyes turning to look at the drawn curtains.

"Are you sure you don't want to talk to me about it Alexis?" her mother asked one more time.

"Yeah. I'm sure." She whispered, listening as her mother slowly moved towards the other side of the room once again.

Alexis closed her eyes, but she knew sleep would not overcome her.

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