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 Be sure to read the first book in this trilogy before reading Exposed. You can read Chosen (Book1) on my profile. Thanks!



Alexis was hysterical, her fingers dialing Justin’s number over and over again.

The cab driver kept giving her strange glances from the front seat, but she didn’t pay him any attention.

A voicemail flashed up on her screen from a call she had recently forwarded in order to hopefully reach Justin.

She pulled the phone up to her ear, listening to the voicemail just to make sure it wasn’t Justin getting in touch with her through their friend’s phone.

“I figured it out.” The friend spoke in the voicemail.

“It all makes sense now Alexis, and I can’t believe we all missed it. I’m getting everything together now and coming over to the house. I’ve been trying to get in touch with Justin, but I can’t so I’m hoping he’s with you. Anyways, you have to see this. You have to see who’s behind all of this.”

The cab slowly came to a stop as the voicemail ended. Her head spun for a new reason now. Was her friend telling the truth? Had they really solved the puzzle? Would their enemies finally be exposed?

Her still watery eyes finally looked up from her phone.

There was a backup on the highway.

“What’s going on?” she asked the driver, finding her voice.

The man simply stuck his head out the window, trying to get a better view. “Just looks like a lot of backed up traffic. Probably a road block or-”

Sirens screaming to Alexis’ left caused her to turn her head just as an ambulance passed. It had to drive half on the freeway and half off in order to pass all the traffic.

“Oh no.” realization settled in. She opened the door quickly, not even bothering to shut it back as she took off weaving through the cars.

She could see a trail of smoke leading up to the black sky just over the hill.

She was out of breath by the time she was finally over the incline, but immediately she began choking on her tears at the sight she found.

Sirens were everywhere, blinding her eyes and piercing her ears.

And even though she didn’t think she could, her feet began to carry her towards the middle of it all.

A fire was still blazing, chunks of metal and scrap were everywhere.

She tried to be optimistic. She really did, but the chances of this being Justin’s car were too high.

Something popped under her foot and she glanced down at it.

The half of a license plate that was remaining confirmed her thoughts.

It was Justin’s car.

Justin’s car was in a million pieces all around her.

“No! No! No!” she started screaming, her hands running up to hold onto the hair at the top of her head.

She started running, looking.

Looking for him.

Looking for anything.

“Whoa, whoa! I’m sorry miss but I can’t let you get any closer.” An officer hurried over to her.

“No, I need to see him. I have to find him.”

“Miss I need you to calm down and step away. Let’s move away and you can tell me who exactly you’re looking for.” The officer reached out for her elbow but she pulled away quickly and skirted around him.

“Justin!” she screamed.

The cop’s arms wrapped around her from behind, pulling her away from the scene all together but she continued to fight. She kicked and struggled, trying her best to get out of his grasp.

It was useless but she wouldn’t give up.

They had been through too much. They had sacrificed everything.

Things were supposed to be getting better, not falling apart.

Not again.

They had solved even more of the mystery tonight.

The revelations they had learned brought them close to exposing their enemies.

It was all supposed to be over.

They had made it this far.


She had made it this far.

And as for Justin? Well that was unknown.

Alexis’ mouth opened up, her lungs releasing all the air she had.


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