Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

It had been two days since Alexis had stepped outside of the house.

Two days of being watched over by eyes that seemed to believe she would disappear into dust at any second.

“I’m fine.” Alexis told Chase as he gave her ‘that look’ for the fourth time that morning.

“You enjoy getting me in trouble don’t you?” Chase replied, his arms crossing over his chest as he hovered close by.

“If I could take a knife to my stomach and survive, then I’m pretty sure I can pour myself a glass of orange juice without dying.” Alexis snapped, shutting the refrigerator door.

Chase’s expression shifted entirely and Alexis immediately felt guilty.

“I’m sorry.” She whispered. “That was a bit harsh and insensitive to myself.”

“Perhaps a little.” Chase commented, his eyes narrowing.

The kitchen door next to Chase quickly swung open, nearly hitting his suit covered back.

“Woah, sorry man I-” Josh apologized to Chase, his eyes landing on Alexis.

“What are you doing out of bed?” Josh questioned, his arms crossing over his chest, mirroring Chase.

“This is ridiculous.” Alexis sighed, raising her glass to her lips as the two men in the room continued to stare at her as if she were endangering herself.

She lowered her glass onto the table with a slight thud. “I’m fine!”

“The doctor-” Chase began.

“I know what the doctor said. You all have repeated it to me so many times that I could say is backwards. I haven’t felt dizzy in two days, so I think that means I can stretch my legs for fifteen minutes.”

“That’s only because of the medicine. You know you should rest to stay on the safe side.” Josh spoke.

“I can handle it from here.” Justin suddenly stepped from behind Josh as he too entered the kitchen.

“I tried Mr. Bieber. She wouldn’t listen.” Chase sighed, expressing his irritation.

“I’m aware of how stubborn my girl is.” Justin replied walking towards Alexis. “Thanks for looking out for her.” He spoke to Chase.

Chase nodded behind Justin before exiting.

Justin wrapped his arm around Alexis’ waist, his lips pressing into her temple.

“I’ll come find you later Josh if that’s okay. I know we have arrangements to make.” Justin spoke to his friend.

Josh nodded. “Sounds good. I’ll be in my room.”

Alexis could hear the swinging of the kitchen door, but was unable to see Josh’s exit as Justin stepped in front of her.

“How are you feeling?” he asked curiously.

“Fine, perfectly fine. Now can you please tell Chase to stop hovering?” Alexis replied.

Justin sighed. “I know how much you hate staying in bed Lex, but we’re just trying assure that you’re healthy and that everything’s okay. Please tell me you understand that much.”

Alexis looked down to the glass she was twirling in her hands. “I understand.”

Justin’s hand slid next to hers carefully, removing the glass from her hand before setting it down on the counter next to them.

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