Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Alexis stirred the stiff batter once again, her ears jumping from conversation to conversation.

Ellie and Bree were arguing over which green bean casserole recipe was better, while Meredith and Alexis' mother were laughing over what sounded like a television show.

Alexis looked to them. The women who supported her the most and kept her sane. She couldn't help but smile.

No matter what was happening in the world around them, no matter what troubles they were facing, family and its traditions would always go on.

Just like the tradition of cooking together the day before Thanksgiving, to get most of the work out of the way.

Alexis caught eyes with Claire as she slipped her hand into the Vanilla Wafer box again.

"If you keep eating those we aren't going to have enough left for the banana pudding." Alexis smiled.

Claire returned the smile with a small shrug. "They're my favorite."

"We have plenty more." Ellie slipped a small kiss on top of Claire's head as she walked by.

Alexis was glad to note that Claire had gotten settled in her new life with Ben and Ellie. They were a happy little family, and she had never seen her brother, or Ellie, happier.

Alexis laid the mixing spoon to the side and pulled out a baking sheet for the cookies.

"Now, Alexis" Mrs. Radley spoke, gaining her daughters attention. "You'll be coming over for lunch tomorrow and then going to the Bieber's home for dinner, correct?"

Alexis nodded, rolling the cookie dough in her hands. "That's the plan."

"Wonderful." Mrs. Radley smiled before turning to look at Meredith.

"And what about you Meredith, what are your Thanksgiving plans?"

"Spending the day at home with my parents. Nothing too exciting."

Alexis studied Meredith as she spoke, Alexis' hands continuously rolling the dough into a perfect ball.

It didn't take but a second for Alexis to see the necklace that hung around Meredith's neck.

She knew her best friend's jewelry, and therefore, she knew this item was new. New and expensive.

It was a thin heart pendant that hung at the base of her collar bone. It wasn't until Meredith shifted that the kitchen light caught it perfectly so that Alexis could see the engraving.

Alexis stopped rolling the ball of dough in her hands, her stomach tightening.

Was Meredith never going to listen to her?

Baby Alex could suddenly be heard through the baby monitor. "I guess he's waking up." Bree spoke. "I'll go check on him."

"No, I'll go!" Meredith smiled. "I haven't had much of a chance to hold him yet."

Bree smiled back. "Sure, just change his diaper and see if you can keep him entertained for a couple of minutes until I'm done in here."

"Will do, I work with the nursery babies at church all the time." Meredith hurried to calm baby Alex.

"Mom would you mind finishing these cookies up for me?" Alexis questioned.

"Of course, I'll get to them in a moment."

Alexis nodded before untying her apron and heading towards the far side of the kitchen.

She switched off the baby monitor before entering the hallway of bedrooms.

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