4. Dean

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Apologies for this chapter it is a filler chapter that will give you more information about how the world in this novel works. Plus a bit of information about the place the novel will primarily take place. And more information about the torture Baby experienced.

We all make our way down to the infirmary, which is actually just a renovated bedroom wing. The house we occupy was once a small abandoned mansion. Two wings, east and west. 3 floors.

The west wing was the kitchen, living space, dining room and two kitchens, and upstairs a study and large library and a meeting room.

The east wing was all the bedrooms. The downstairs was turned into an infirmary. The upstairs remains bedrooms. 5 rooms upstairs and 4 rooms across from them and then one room was turned into a very large bathroom. The girls room together, Macy and Vince share a room and there are 2 men in each remaining room.

The attic was converted into the master bedroom for the Alpha, me. It is an en-suite with a walk in wardrobe.

The girls went with Vince to wait in the Foyer by the staircase as I entered the east wing to greet the newest member of our rogue pack.

As I was about to open the infirmary door with the passcode there was a deafening scream. I fumbled with the buttons getting the code wrong twice due to my panic before finally typing in the emergency bypass pattern.

A nurse comes running down the hall and I squeeze past her and make my way towards the screaming. The doctors in this house have places to sleep down in the basement of the infirmary. Many of them are not werewolves themselves but rather what we call "Protectors" they are humans with special abilities. The opposite of werewolf hunters. They are able to join packs and use mind links and each individual Protector has a special ability that is completely unique to the person and their environment. Some examples of the abilities our 4 pack Protectors have:

• Invisibility/cloaking, the ability to hide one's self and also other people and/or objects allowing only a set few people be able to see them. This has come in handy when hiding from werewolf hunters. This ability belongs to a middle aged woman named Sheryll. She has acted as a mother to me. We met when me Macy and Vince accidentally broke into her garden shed seeking shelter from the rain before we found this home.

•light/dark manipulation, the ability to move the direction of lighting and manipulate the shape of shadows. This ability belongs to one of the female wolfs (Darla I believe her name is) mother, Daisy.

•healing abilities, being able to heal and wounds that are less than a week old. This one belongs to our head doctor he has many medical degrees/qualifications and teaches the other Protecters medicine. His name is David.

• psychic abilities, mind reading. The ability to see someone's thoughts and look into their past. This ability belongs to a young girl named Grace. She is 17 and had run away from home due to an abusive father who didn't accept his son was now a daughter. David has legally adopted her. They work well together, she uses her ability to find what hurts an unconscious patient and figures out what happened to them, and David does his best to heal it.

 They work well together, she uses her ability to find what hurts an unconscious patient and figures out what happened to them, and David does his best to heal it

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