6. Dean

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I knocked gently on the infirmary door after a few minutes.

To officially welcome someone into a pack the alpha needs to know their name.

Macy came to the door and whispered,
"Her name is Baby." She smiled.

Baby? Hmm...
Seemed fitting.

I peaked through the crack near the door hinges and caught a glimpse of the tiny girl tucking herself into the blankets. She had a huge smile on her face as she pulled the blanket up to her chin. How anybody could be comfortable on a bed that stiff is beyond me.

"M- Macy?" She called out with a stutter. She couldn't see me but I could see her.

"Yes, Baby?" Macy's maternal instincts seemed to be kicking in. She thought I didn't know but Vince is terrible at keeping secrets. Macy was 2 months pregnant.

Macy sat next to Baby on her hospital bed and gently stroked her forehead.

"Could you.. do you know.. there's this song.. my mother she...." Baby struggled to find her words and I could see her eyes fill with tears.

Macy quickly calmed her and drew patterns on her forehead with her thumb.
"How does it go?"

Baby began to hum a tune, her voice was breathy and slightly off key but it seemed familiar.

Macy seemed to know it straight away and began to hum it gently and Baby instantly got excited.

"Baby Mine, don't you cry..."

Macy was a horrendous singer but Baby seemed to enjoy it. I waited by the door until Macy finished singing then I entered the room.

"Baby, I hereby welcome you into this Rogue Pack." I whisper softly as not to wake her.

Macy and I left the room and meet with Vince who had been waiting on the Grand Staircase for us to leave the infirmary.

"Right, I'm gonna hit the hay. I'll see you guys tomorrow." I say as I head up the stairs to the left. "Oh and Vince," I turn to face him as Macy and him walk up the stairs to the right, " Macy is going to make a wonderful mother."

I see the look of surprise cross Macy's face and then anger directed at Vince.

"You told him?!" She slaps his bicep and he begins to run up the stairs.

"Oh shit." He gasps as she chases after him giggling.

I envy them. I wish I had met my mate by now. I'm an alpha without his Luna.

I enter my bedroom and throw myself onto my bed. There's something about Baby that I can't get out of my head.

When her wolf was on edge..

There was something that seemed to pull me in. Something about her wolf just seemed so familiar.

I pushed the thoughts out of my head and tried to focus on what happens to Baby after today.

Tomorrow I will ask her if she is ready to be shown around and introduced to everybody. I don't want to overwhelm her.

I try my best to sleep but I can't help but to toss and turn all night.

At 12pm I wake up to a loud screaming. I throw the covers off of myself and run out the door, thanking myself for falling asleep in yesterday's clothes.

The infirmary door is open and I run straight in.
The smell of blood fills my nostrils and I rush to Baby's room. Something is seriously wrong.

As I enter the room I see the tiny girl curled in a corner on the floor. A pool of blood surrounds her. Her cast on her leg is cracked and looks as though she has attempted to take it off. Her back is to me and the open hospital gown exposes the multiple scars and bruises all around her spine that seems to be tearing through her skin.

David and Grace are stood next to me in the doorway.

"She won't let us near her. Whenever we take a step closer her wolf seems to come out." David informs me.

"I tried searching her mind but she keeps repeating the words "feel something. Can't stop" over and over." Grace adds.

That's worrying...

"Who's blood?" I ask. I already know the answer.

"Hers." David says.

I begin to walk towards her.

"Hey..Baby?" I ask gently but I can already see the fur begin to grow from her skin.

"Baby.. please stop." I inch closer as her entire back covers with fur. Her bones begin to snap and reform.

"Nobody is going to hurt you." I touch her back gently and she spins around, the rest of her bones snapping and reforming.
"David, Grace. Leave the room. NOW!" I yell.

Just as the door slams shut Baby finishes her slow and painful transition. Her wolf is very small. Almost the size of a Labrador. She has thick black fur and her wolf has beautiful green eyes. I get down on my knees to try to be eye level and she begins to snarl and growl.

"Sshhh it's okay, Baby. Calm down. You have a beautiful wolf." I try to speak to her but it is clear her wolf has full control.

I try to mind link her but her wolf has shut it down.

The only way to communicate with her is if I shift too. But this room is far too small.

"Baby I have no choice. I'm going to open this window and I want you to follow me. Okay?" I head towards to large window and lift it open. Glad we are on the ground floor.

Baby doesn't wait for me to move out of the way and misses me by inches as she pounces through the window. I quickly climb through as well and immediately shift.

I chase after her and pounce on her before she can run into the woods. Her old pack could still be looking for her and I can't risk her bringing them back to my pack.

My wolf is almost 4 times the size of hers and it doesn't take me long to pin her beneath me.

"Baby stop it! Calm down and look at me!" I command, wolf to wolf, in my alpha voice.

Her ears fall flat against her head and her emerald green eyes meet mine.

That's when it clicks.


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