9. Baby

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"Head back." Macy said.
I tilted my head back and she poured some shampoo into her hands, massaging it into my scalp.

She was sat on the edge of the bath holding a jug. She gently covered my forehead with her hand and poured the jug over my head to rinse my hair.

"Baby, have you ever thought about getting a fringe?" She asked pouring water over my head again.

"No.." I said quietly.

"I think it would suit you." She smile and I nodded absentmindedly.

She finished rinsing my hair in silence and pulled the plug from the bath. The water was cloudy and slightly tinted brown.

"Let's step in the shower to rinse the rest out, yeah?" Macy took my hand and helped me out of the bath.

The shower was attached to the wall but has no curtains or covers around it, it was just a shower head that was attached to a 'hose', Macy removed it from the wall and pressed a button on the wall turning it on.
She tested the temperature of the water and then motioned for me to step forwards.

"So Baby, you and the alpha are mates, huh? That must be exciting." She smiled as she rinsed the rest of my hair.


"I don't know what that means." I answered honestly.

She hands me the shower nozzle and grabs a bottle of something and pours it onto a sponge.

As Macy steps forwards again I accidentally move the shower head and get her shirt sleeve wet.

"I am so so sorry! I didn't mean to!" I quickly apologise but she just laughs.

"Don't worry, Baby. I'm wearing a t-shirt under this. Here. Rub this on your body. Sorry about the smell, It's Dean's soap." She hands me the sponge. I don't know what she was apologising for, it smelled amazing, like berries and something musky. She takes her shirt off and her stomach shows slightly and I notice a small bump.

She must have seen me looking because she answered:
"Oh yeah, soon you won't be the only baby in this house. Me and Vince are expecting this little one in another 7 months or so." She strokes her belly.

"A baby? In there?" I ask, touching my own belly too.

She laughs so I laugh too.
"Oh Baby, you're far too innocent, maybe you should ask Dean about mates and babies later."

Macy finishes cleaning me up and turns the shower off then wraps a very large towel around me.

"Thank you, Macy." I say quietly. She replies with a smile.

We enter the bedroom and there is a T-Shirt and a pair of underwear on the bed.

"Okay, Sweetheart I'm going to head back to my room now, You get changed and I'll speak to Dean."

I dry myself off and throw the T-shirt on and lose my balance as I try to put the underwear on and slip onto my butt.

I quickly pull the panties all the way on as the door opens.

"Hey, Baby." Alpha Dean walks in slightly hunched over as if to make himself look smaller.

I quickly stand up and look at the floor. He sighs and closes the door behind him.

"Baby can I talk to you?" He asks, taking a seat on the bed. He sits in the middle of the bed with his legs crossed. It was a strange sight. This large, muscular man, sat like a child in the middle of a king sized bed.

I nod my head.

"Macy said you.. don't know what it means to be mates?" He grabs a pillow from behind him and places it between his legs and wraps his arms around it.

I nod at his question.

"You are allowed to talk, you know, Baby?" He smiles, his teeth look like their are too small to be in his mouth, it makes him somehow seem less threatening.

"Thank you, Alpha Dean." I appreciate his verbal permission for me to speak.

His smile drops and I step away from him slightly.

"Please, you don't need to call me that. It's just Dean."

I nod my head.
"Just Dean." I repeat.

He smiles again and motions for me to come over to him.

I take a seat on the end of the bed.

"Baby, I know that those bastards across the border treat you badly..." he pauses and I look away, "but you are safe here, Baby. I won't let anybody hurt you ever again. I am your mate, and you are my mate. I will risk my life to keep you safe, Baby. Because that is what it means to be mates. It means that our souls are bonded." I see a single tear fall from his eye but his smile remains in place.

I don't know why but I trust him. He makes me feel safe, and if Macy trusts him then he must be a good guy.

I placed my hand on his arm silently comforting him and he placed his giant hand on top of mine.

This was the first time in a very very long time that a man has touched me without malicious intent.

"Thank you, Baby." He smiles at me, "you have no idea how long I have waited to find you. I promise I will do everything in my power to keep you safe."

He gently brings my hand to his lips, all the while making eye contact, as if silently asking permission. I let him place a gentle kiss on my knuckles and feel sparks run up my arm.

"Th-thank you...Dean." I stutter.

His smile widens and he gently drops my hand.

"You must be tired, Baby. You can have my bed, I can sleep on the floor... or downstairs on the sofa if you're more comfortable with that." His smile seems to falter.

I think for a moment..

"You don't have to.. I can sleep on the sof-"

He cuts me off
"No. No no it's far too cold for you down there!"

"Oh." Is all I manage to say.

He chuckles and climbs off of the bed. He places the pillow back where it should be and pulls the many blankets back.

"Here, Baby.. May I tuck you in?" He asks.

I smile and nod.

I quickly climb into the bed. This bed is far more comfortable than the previous bed I was in. This one is a lot larger too. Plenty of room for two people. Why didn't he want to?

"Alph-" I stop myself, "just...Dean..?"

I close my eyes, preparing myself for the punishment for talking out of place. But it doesn't happen. Instead he answers.

"Yes, Beautiful?"

I blush at the compliment and hide under the blanket. Completely forgetting what I was about to ask him.

"Nothing." I mumble.

He sits on the edge of the bed, just like Macy did the night before and begins to hum the song.

I remember being sung the song as a baby, I sing it to myself every night, but never outloud.

His voice is soft and gentle and it makes me realise that I really was safe here. Dean would never hurt me. He will protect me.

As long as he was around, everything would be alright.

I feel my eyelids getting heavy, despite the sun only just beginning to set; I was exhausted.

"Goodnight, Baby." He whispered.

"Goodnight Dean." I smiled and drifted off into a content sleep.

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