5. Baby

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I awoke for a second time, feeling much calmer and safer than before. The room felt warm. The lights were dimmed. I no longer had a tube in my hand, instead a patch was stuck over it, but there was still a tube in my arm. The bag of liquid was now almost empty.
What are they putting in me?
I thought to myself

I looked around the room and noticed a man sat by the door. He was asleep. His head was tilted back against the wall and his arms were crossed against his chest.

I try to look at his face, he is head was too far back for me to see anything other than his chin, neck and nostrils.

His thick beard covered most of his chin but was neatly squared off around his neck. He was well groomed. He had the same facial hair as Beta Karl which made me think it could be him. Beta Karl would often order me to help him shave. He said he wanted to look presentable in case he ever found his mate.

I couldn't see the man's face clearly in the light, but he was a big man. Far too large to be Beta Karl. His black T-shirt stretched around his biceps and he had long legs, his black jeans were ripped and they seemed to be struggling to contain his muscular thighs. This man could snap me like a twig.

I slowly and quietly get out of bed. My leg is stiff due to the hard cast around it and I am careful not to put pressure on my foot. Over the years I have mastered the art of sneaking around but with my legs wrapped and bandaged I can't help but be a little heavy footed.

As I near the man I can clearly see his face, I've never met him before. He's not one of Alpha Kyle's.

He has a small scratch on his cheek, and I reach out to touch it, he suddenly grabs my wrist without even opening his eyes. As if he could sense I was there. His grip is a foreign feeling. It is gentle and cautious. Like he doesn't want to hurt me. His eyes open and he uses his free hand to brush his gelled hair back as he lifts his head to look at me.

(AN: roughly how I imagine Dean to look)

I remain silent and dip my head as a sign of respect and submission

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I remain silent and dip my head as a sign of respect and submission.

He lets go of my wrist and his fingers touch under my chin and he slowly lifts my face to look at him.

"Hello. There is no need to fear me, little one. My name is Dean. I'm the Alpha of this pack."

At his words I stumble back a little, completely forgetting about my leg. He is much larger than Alpha Kyle. My mind floods with thoughts of how much the man in front of me could harm me. I end up tripping and almost falling onto my bottom.

Alpha Dean quickly stands and grabs my waist and lifts me back to my feet. His hands linger on my sides for a few moments and I look up at him. He was very tall. Almost twice my height.

"Are you okay, little one?" He asks as he takes a step back quickly and bows his head. Almost like he was apologising.

I look down and avoid eye contact and nod my head yes.

"You've been asleep for quite a while. It's almost 3 in the morning. Are you hungry?"

Alpha Kyle said I mustn't talk to members of other packs. So I remain silent.

"Listen, we have a Protector in the pack. Her ability allows her to look into peoples memories. She.. she saw what happened to you, and.." I look up at him confused. He rubs his face with both his hands then runs his hands through his hair. " I just want to let you know that you are safe here. Your old pack will never find you."

My mouth opens to say something but I quickly shut it. I take a deep breath and Alpha Dean smiles at me.

My eyes begin to fill with tears.
I'm safe?
I let out a breath that I feel like I've been holding for years.
I'm safe. I'm free.
The tears run endlessly down my cheeks and I collapse onto the bed. I never realised just how comfortable it was until now. There was a mattress and a blanket and even a pillow. I let my body relax into the comfort and I smile. I did it. I escaped.

I feel the bed shift and look up. Alpha Dean is sat at the end of the bed and places a hand on my leg. Something Beta Karl used to do when he wanted to... use me.

I look back up to Alpha Dean's face and it morphs into Beta Karl. I quickly pull away and shuffle up to the top of the bed.

Have I escaped one hell and entered another? Is this all a trick.

My heart begins to beat faster and I can feel my wolf come to the surface ready to protect me if need be.

My nails begin to grow longer and my canines extend. I can feel my skin begin to prickle as new hair begins to break through.

Alpha Dean jumps away and puts his hands up.
"Hey now, shhh." He gets down low trying not to intimidate me... or trying to catch me off guard.

I take slow and steady breaths to try to calm my wolf. I'm weak. This man is much stronger than me and his wolf is probably much larger. It's safer to just submit.

I push my wolf down and close my eyes. I expose my neck to show him I submit.

"Hey hey, no no. little one. I'm sorry, I'm not gonna hurt you." He steps to the other side of the room and places his hands on the wall, "see, I'm not going to touch you. Would you like me to get a woman in the room with us so you feel safer?" He looks over his shoulder at me and I nod.

The women in my old pack were always nice to me whenever the men weren't around.

Within seconds A girl enters the room. I recognise her as Macy. She smiles warmly at me and then looks at Alpha Dean in confusion.

"Dean what are you doing?" She scoffs with an amused smile.

I look at Alpha Dean's face and he looks panicked.
"Macy honestly I don't fucking know. I don't want her to be scared of me, I just.."

Macy cut him off.

"Dean just sit down on the chair." She turns to me and smiles again. I give her a small smile back. "Hey. How are you doing?"

I remain silent.

"Psst, Macy ask her her name." Alpha Dean tries your whisper but I hear him.

I give him a cautious look and he quickly looks away.
Macy takes a seat on the bed and I notice she's in pyjamas. I feel bad about having woke her and gave her a gentle nod to apologise silently.

"What's your name, beautiful?" She says whilst picking up the blanket from the bed and gently placing it over my exposed legs. I relax and get further under the covers.

I look between her and Alpha Dean and Macy leans closer.
"Why don't you whisper it into my ear?" She asks moving her hair out of the way.

I place my hand on her shoulder and hesitantly move forward.

I look at Alpha Dean and he has leaned forward obviously trying to listen.

Macy notices the direction of my glance and waves a hand dismissively towards Alpha Dean and he leaves the room.

"There, now it's just us." She smiles and holds my hand. "Are you ready to talk? Take your time."

I struggle to find my voice for a moment and I take a deep breath.
"Baby." I croak out. My throat is extremely dry and sore. I bring my hand to my neck to try to rub the pain away.

Macy pours me some water from a jug that was sat on the bed side table and I drink the whole thing.

"My.. my name is Baby." I say more clearly but my voice is still raspy.

Macy smiles widely at me and pours me some more water.
"It's nice to meet you, Baby. You and I are going to be the best of friends."

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