Chapter 9

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Addison POV: 

I couldn't believe Bryce had just left me. I never thought I would see this today. Everything just seemed as if It was fake, like a nightmare that I couldn't wake up from. I looked up at Jaden to look at his face. He was just as shocked as I was.

A: Did you know about this, Jaden?

Ja: No, I didn't Adds. I left Josh with the twins to get you at the hospital with Mads.

A: What am I going to do?

Ja: Mads and I will stay the night tonight. You have work tomorrow, so you need to get some sleep.

Mads then walked me into my room and laid down with me. I started to cry into her chest. I couldn't believe Bryce had left with the twins. It was as if he was calling me an unfit mother. I never wanted this to happen the way it did, but now I'm here.

A: Mads, what did I do wrong?

M: Adds, I don't think you did anything wrong. I think Bryce is just upset, and I think he's had enough. You guys haven't been yourself in a really long time. And I know Josh told Jaden that Bryce had told him he thought about leaving if it got worse. He didn't want to leave Adds. But, maybe he felt like it's something that he needed to.

A: I understand that, Mads, but I didn't want to think about that. I can't believe he broke the engagement off we were doing so well.

M: Exactly, Adds, you were. We all know these past couple of months haven't been easy on you guys. Maybe this time apart will make you guys stronger than ever. You guys also have to remember you guys are so young. This means you guys still have a lot of growing up to do. I get where Bryce is coming from, but also you. I know you want your body back, but all Bryce was trying to say is you don't have to injure yourself in the process. The twins rely on you to be healthy, and so does Bryce.

A: I understand that, but at this point, I want to sleep.

Josh POV:

I couldn't believe Nessa is pregnant. The only person I want to talk to is Bryce, but I know he is going through a lot. I couldn't believe I was going to be a dad. Nessa and I had always said, "we weren't ready to have kids, but now we had no option."  I would be fine, but ,our best friends just had kids,, and now their engagement is called off. No one even knew where Bryce was. And if he needed help.

I called Bryce's phone.

Jo: Bryce, where are you?

B: I've just been driving so I could think and put the twins to sleep. 

Jo: Where are you by?

B: Sway gaming house.

Jo: Pick me up.

I stood outside, waiting for Bryce knowing that we both needed each other. He pulled up, and at the same time, Tayler and Charly had pulled up. I could tell everyone was confused about what was going on.

B: Charly and Tayler are gonna watch the twins for a lil bit. I will pick them up at Taylers in a couple of hours. Thank you guys

Ch: Of course. 

Bryce POV:

I couldn't believe everything that had just happened. I really just left Addison, and took the twins. I honestly don't know what what I was thinking, but what I do know is that I won't be moving back in any time soon. Josh got into the car and I begin to drive to a place we would always go when we needed to think. 

I pulled up to this private hiking area. And we both got out without saying a word. The hike wasn't long, but the view was absolutely amazing. It's something we needed to see. We needed to be able to just sit and think. 

Jo: I know you are going through a lot right now, but I need to talk Bryce

B: Well, let's talk. That's what we are here for.

Jo: Nessa's pregnant and I walked out after I found out. 

B: Why, Josh. Why would you walk out? She probably thinks you don't care now.

Jo: I don't know. I got scared Bryce. I mean I'm not ready to be a dad. I mean when you found out its like you dealt with it. You weren't scared, you didn't freak out. How?

B: You think I didn't freak out? Oh, I did buddy. The first time when Adds and I were sophomores I really freak out. I was thinking how could we raise a baby when we are kids ourselves. We didn't know the first thing about being parents let alone being together. 

Jo: Then what happened?

B: I don't know. I thought about the options and I don't know I could never think about giving the baby up, or not having it. It's like a part of me knew that no matter what I would always wonder how they would be or how our life would change with the baby. Then, I knew more than anything we would figure it out. My point is Josh. You will figure it out, you have nine months to figure things out. Nessa has to figure things out now. She has to change her life for that baby. So I need you to go home Josh and hold Nessa. You know why because everything will eventually be okay. But, if you don't go home. And if you don't apologize for leaving. Nothing will be okay and Nessa will think that you don't want the baby

Jo: Well, that's not what it is.  I love Nessa, I just feel like this is scary. I mean look at you Bryce. You just left Addison. You guys were engaged to be married. You were supposed to be planning your marriage, and living a happy life.

B: Well, look Josh. Now I am leaving the house for a little bit. I'm not moving out we are just separating for a little bit. Addison isn't the same Josh. And I've tried to be better, and do better for us both. But, guess what in my eyes me leaving Addison is the only thing. I feel that might save us. So I have to do what's best for Amara and Carter unless they will grow up with toxic parents and in a toxic environment. At the need of the day that's what it means to be a parent you have to do what's best for your kids even if it'll hurt you. 

I then got up. Josh followed me and we got back inside of the car. I drove to sway and I dropped him off. 

B: Go, talk to her Josh

Jo: Where are you going?

B: I'm going to Tayler's to get the twins. Then I'll be back here with the twins. We will be staying here for the next month. It is the only place I know Addison will be okay with the twins being here and it is also the only place that feels like home

Jo: You are still thinking about Addison even though you left?

B: I left Josh, I didn't stop loving her. There is a difference. With everything I do, I think of Addison good terms or bad. You know why?

Jo: Why?

B: Because she is the love of my life. And I will never love no one else the way I love her. So if this doesn't work then it'll be me and my kids. I don't ever want to be with anyone else. And that's why I know as bad as Addison is hurt is 10x more as bad that I am hurt.

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