Chapter 10

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*Time Jump Two Months

Addison POV: 

It has been two months since Bryce left. We co-parent with the twins, taking turns when the other one has meetings. Since he's been gone, I started going to therapy. It turns out I did have postpartum depression, but I am feeling better and so much more like myself.  The only thing is I've been missing Bryce like crazy. I miss his touch. I miss him snoring. I miss him sinking the other side of the bed.

Without him, the apartment is much quieter. Most days, I hang out with the cast to keep my mind off of things, but that doesn't help. I want things to be better than what they were because I refuse to see Bryce with anyone else.

Bryce POV:

Two months since I left. I've been staying at sway in hopes that. Being around, everyone would keep my thought off of Addison. But, every time I look at the twins, I think of Addison, and it just hurts. I miss her pulling me into her because she thinks I'm far. I miss her waking up in the middle of the night just to ger water. I miss her touch. I miss reaching over and pulling her into me because I couldn't bare sleep without her.

Lately, I've been spending time with the boys or watching the twins. The twins are a good reminder of Addison. Lately, when she comes over, I can't bear to get out of my room to look at her. So Jaden and Mads do the handoff. I don't want Addison to move on, but I don't want her to think she was wasting her time waiting around.

Josh apologized to Nessa, and they went to Canada to tell his family this week. Josh had seen how bad I was without Addison, and I guess he didn't want the same for him. I couldn't wait to see Josh as a father, though. He was an amazing godparent to Carter and Amara. Mads and Jaden had been urging me to go out this weekend, but what was the point in going out. If it wasn't with Addison, then I rather stay in my room.

Jaden POV:

Mads and I have been witnessing Bryce and Addison for the past two months. At first, we told ourselves we were not going to get involved in what they had going on, but it was time. Bryce and Addison were miserable without each other. And it was obvious how much they missed each other. This is why the whole sway house came up with a plan. Mads and I would offer to watch the twins because Blake and Dixie would offer Bryce and Addison out. But, both will not show up meaning, they will be stuck with each other.

I saw this plan because it will either work amazing or fail, and we will be considered the worst friends ever. I was hoping that it would end with them back at the apartment. So, blake had texted Bryce, and Dixie had texted Addison. They both agreed since Mads, and I had said we wanted to take the twins to a museum, which was somewhat true.

Addison POV:

It was now Saturday. And I was finally seeing Dixie, after what seemed like weeks of not seeing nor talking to her. She had got us a reservation at this exclusive restaurant that just opened across town. Bryce and I had wanted to go when they opened, but now that wasn't possible.

I had decided to do my hair and makeup. Wanting to look nice since I haven't been feeling the best, but it makes me feel a little better whenever I dress up. I put on a nice white dress, with some white strappy heels. I looked at myself in the mirror and realized I look good. I got into my tesla, which was extremely easy to spot now that it was pink, and drove to "Who Knew."  

I walked to the table, but I realized Dixie was late. I texted her, but I got no response. I then saw Bryce walk in with the waiter, which lead him to the table I was at. I should have known our friends would have done something like this. They could never mind their own business. They always did what they felt was right.

B: I can leave if you want me too

A: No, please stay

We sat in silence, only speaking when the waiter came to take our order. This was the most awkward dinner I've ever been on. And I've been on plenty of dinners, so that says a lot. But, Bryce and I were never like this. We always had fun when we went out, but I knew that both were extremely stubborn. So I would break the silence even if it meant I would lose.

B & A: I'm sorry

We then both looked at each other shocked. Could it be that we were both thinking the same thing?

B: I'm sorry for being an ass, Addison. I am sorry for leaving you when you needed me the most. I am sorry for leaving a note and taking the kids as if you didn't have a say so. I'm sorry for breaking off our engagement because there is no one else for me. I'm sorry that I never once came to see you whenever you came to pick up the twins. 

A: Well, I'm sorry for being selfish. I am sorry for not asking for help. I am sorry I didn't fight for us and that I just allowed you to walk away. I am sorry I haven't been me lately. I am sorry I wasn't the fiance which you deserved

B: Look, Addi, these past couple of months have been horrible without you. It made me realize I really can't live without you. If I had to, I wouldn't be happy without you in my life anymore. You make me want to be a better man. 

A: I've been horrible to Bryce. The apartment seems so much bigger without you in it. Please come home. Let's figure things out. We can go to therapy together. No more leaving each other though, it hurts too bad.

B: And what about the engagement?

A: I took my engagement ring off and put it back in the box. When you feel like you are ready to be engaged again, propose. If not, leave the ring back in the box

B: Okay, let's go home. 

Bryce then left money on the table and picked me up. He brought me to my car, and he drove me to the apartment. When we got in the apartment, I took out the wine I was saving for when he came home. I poured it into two glasses and walked into our bedroom. We changed into our pajamas and turned on the notebook. 

I then cuddled up into him while interlocking our fingers. I post our fingers together, captioning it, " I missed him," and that is how we ended our night

*HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME. Anyway, I saw how mad you guys were, so I thought I would fix things just a little bit, but I can't make everything good with a snap at the fingers. Oh, who am I kidding? I can, but what do yall want?

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