Chapter 13

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Addison POV:

I couldn't believe my mom was standing at my door. We haven't spoken to each other in almost a year. When I found out I was pregnant, my parents were not the most thrilled, to say the least. But, I didn't let them talk bad about Bryce, which is the main part for us not speaking. They had missed out on my graduation, engagement, and the birth of their godchildren. The only people they were able to blame were themselves. I would not feel bad for the way they decided to treat us.

Sheri: Hey Addison, can we talk

I looked at Bryce, signaling him to take the twins into the nursery. I didn't want any negativity around my children, and I don't know what my mother had up her sleeves. I invited her into the home. I watched her look around and expected the worst to come out of her mouth, but it wasn't.

Sheri: You and Bryce did an amazing job with the apartment. It looks amazing.

A: Thank you

Sheri: Happy Birthday Addison

A: Thank you, mom

Sheri: Look, I know what I said last year at Thanksgiving was very inappropriate, and I'm sorry to you and Bryce. I know that Bryce has taken care of you in the best way possible this last year. I want to be a family again, Addison. I know it may take a while for you to forgive me. But, I hope you do. When you do, I would love to have the four of you over for dinner.

A: I'll think about it. Does dad know yours here?

Sheri: Yes, he does. He encouraged me to come. I've been a mess, Addison. I went to therapy, and the truth is a part of me was scared that you would go through what you've already been through. But, I see now that Bryce is yours forever.

She got up to leave, but before she could leave, I hugged her. Although I was furious at her, I missed her. The bond between a mother and her daughter is an indescribable feeling. I know because I feel it with Amara. I know my mom only wants the best for me, but when your child becomes an adult, you have to trust that they are making the right decision. I definitely did make the right decision with Bryce, even with all that had occurred this year.

As I closed the door. I stood there in disbelief. I hadn't seen my family in almost a year, and now they wanted to have dinner. I would go to dinner, but it would take time for them to get to meet the twins. I wanted them to apologize to Bryce personally. It's the least he deserved. I don't know what had happened to my parents, but I had hoped they figured it out.

I walked into the nursery, wanting to let Bryce know that my mother had left. To my surprise, Bryce had both twins in his arms, telling them a story. I stood in the doorway, wanting to listen to what Bryce was saying.

B: Last year, around this time, your mommy was pregnant with you guys, and we didn't even know. I planned a huge party for your mom giving her a promise ring. One of the most gorgeous rings, next to her engagement ring. A week later, we went to visit your grandma Lisa in Maryland. Hopefully, we can take you guys soon. Anyway, your mommy had been working her butt off. Because your mom is superwoman and never needs a break, she's been tired, but we didn't think anything of it. While in Maryland in my childhood bedroom, your mommy took a test. Now your mommy doesn't know this so. It'll be our little secret. While your mommy was taking the test, I had wished for her to be pregnant, not to ruin her life. But I knew that if we had kids, they would be perfect, and you guys are. After that moment, I knew your mommy was the one for me. Well, I always knew, but to see the love of your life create a human is the most beautiful thing ever. I will always have the most respect for your guy's mommy because she did something I will never be able to do."

Just then, I saw Bryce get up. I decided to take a shower so he wouldn't think I was listening to the story. He had put the twins to sleep, telling them our story. Everything he said was inspiring. Plus, I never knew Bryce wanted me to be pregnant; I always thought he resented me in the beginning for being pregnant.

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