Chapter 17

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Bryce POV:

I woke up before Addison and checked on the twins to see my mom was in there already. I sat on the chair in the room and grabbed Carter out of his crib while my mom held Amara. 

L: Where's Addison

B: Sleep, wanted to let her sleep in. It was rare nowadays

L: Well, you two are leaving today. I booked you a room, and I found a ranch to go horseback riding. After horseback, you two have a dinner reservation at 7, which gives you two hours to change in the hotel room. 

B: Mom, are you trying to say we need help dating?

L: That's exactly what I am saying. If it were up to you two, you stay here with the twins and me. You are on vacation, and I personally would like to spend time with my grandbabies without you two hovering over me.

 My mom then grabbed Carter out of my hands and told me to make breakfast. I left the room, being shocked at my mother. She had never behaved this way before. And she was basically pushing Addison and me to get out of her house and have sex. As I was making breakfast, I felt two arms slip around my waist. Before I turned around, I saw a little head peak from behind me. I leaned down and kissed Addison.

A: So your mom told me about our day.

B: If she had given me the time, I could have planned everything, but she's too busy kicking us out.

A: I don't mind. I am glad she planned it.

As I was finishing breakfast, Addison grabbed the plates and made everyone a plate while putting orange juice in glasses. She set the table as my mom was coming downstairs with the twins. Addison had made them bottles and had some baby food to feed them as well. 

Addison POV:

After breakfast, I went to go pump as Bryce was in the shower. I wanted to make sure I left Lisa enough milk for the twins. I wasn't scared to leave them, but I was nervous about how they would behave. The twins never behaved the same way for the people who watched them. They had a mind of their own, but they acted like completely different babies since we landed yesterday. 

Bryce came out of the shower with a towel wrapped around his waist. I looked up at him and smiled. I then told him to come here. He walked over to me cautiously but stood over me. I leaned up, and he leaned down, connecting our lips. As we kissed, I then did something extremely bold. I palmed his member. Bryce gasped, which allowed me to slip my tongue into his mouth. 

Before it could go any further, I pulled back. I disconnected myself from the pump and ran into the bathroom, locking the door. I know Bryce was getting tired of my games, but the games are what would make our sex tonight even better. And although I couldn't let Bryce know what I was doing. 

B: Addison Rae Easterling, I am not playing this game with you anymore. Stop teasing me because I am going crazy

A: Babe, I can't hear you in the shower.

I got into the shower and let the water run over my body. While in the shower, I used this time to shampoo my hair with Bryce's favorite scent and shaving.  As I got out of the shower, I lotioned my body with "pure seduction." After lotioning my body, I walked out of the bathroom in my towel. 

I could see Bryce was packing our bags for tonight. I then grabbed some jeans and a white sweater. I then walked over and grabbed my cowboy boots. My hair was still wet, and I needed to leave soon. I walked into the bathroom and blow-dried my hair after curling the ends to make me look a little better. I applied minimal makeup as we would be outside and riding horses.

I was finally ready, and Bryce had put our bags into the convertible. I went and picked up both of the babies and kissed them. I snuggled them both in my arms, knowing I would miss them tonight while I was out. But, Bryce and I needed to have alone time. 

After Bryce said goodbye to the twins and his mother, we drove to the ranch. It was a beautiful day, and I knew that horseback riding would be just what we needed. We put the top down, and Bryce drove to the countryside. 

B: So, you and I alone overnight. Pretty dangerous.

A: For you or me

I then put my hand over Bryce's member, and I saw him shift in his seat. He had both hands on the wheel, and his grip was strong.  

A: How does that TikTok sound go again?

B: What sound

A: I want to give you top at the red light.

I then smirked at him. Bryce began to drive, but all of a sudden pulled over. I was confused that he was pulling over. We were still 20mins  away, so I couldn't imagine what he wanted. 

B: Addison Rae Easterling, I am asking you to please stop because we may crash if you don't. I only have so much self-control to sit here and be a gentleman. So I am asking you to please stop at least until tonight. 

A: I am sorry

B: Hey, I'm not mad at you, princess. I want to keep us safe. Trust me, I want what you want, and I can't wait for tonight, but I want us to go horseback riding, dinner, and then have the night we really want. 

I shook my head, and Bryce began to drive again. He held my hand, and before I knew it, we were at the ranch.  We walked out of the car, and before I knew it, we were on horses going up a hill. This was Bryce's first time on a horse, but I had ridden a little bit, for he's all that. As we reached the hill our instructor took a photo of us.

B: This is the best date we've ever had

A: I told you, you would like it.

B: I think that when we move, we should have stables

A: Bryce, what are you talking about

B: I think we should look for land soon so that you can build your dream house. We can have a stable and teach the twins to horseback ride. It can be a family activity. It can be something we do every Sunday.

A: Bryce

B: No, I mean that Addison. It's time we move forward. And it means taking a leap and risking. 

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