Chapter 14

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Addison POV:

I listened to everyone say Braddison was coming back. It was incredibly true. We were coming back just some time apart to realize how much we needed one another.  As all of our friends talked about us, we stood there smiling at one another. 

A: Okay, we need to go, girls.

As the girls said goodbye to their boyfriends, I walked up to Bryce. And kissed him. It felt good to be on these type of terms with him. To know he was planning a trip to Maryland for our family next week was amazing.

B: Have fun, love. And be safe. I love you

A: I love you more

I walked over to the twins and kissed both of their heads. It was getting easier to leave the twins knowing Bryce and the boys would take care of them.  I needed some time for myself as Bryce needed time for himself sometimes. But, spending family time together was always my favorite time. 

The girls and I got into my car. And I began to drive to rodeo drive to go shopping for baby clothes. When we got to the store, we would finally find out what Nessa and Josh were having. I was excited for there to be a new baby.  The twins would have someone to play with, even if it wasn't the time they had anticipated. We began to walk down rodeo drive and spotted the first baby store.  We walked inside and went to look at strollers. Nessa was really dependent on my opinion for the fact that I already had twins. 

We walked inside, and they had asked us if we were looking for anything in particular. Nessa had told them that we were looking for a stroller, car seat, and some clothes. We then walked into the clothes section, and Nessa began to pick up some boy clothes.

A & M: We knew you were having a boy

N: Believe it or not, I knew as well the moment I became pregnant.

We then walked around the store, picking things up Nessa may need. I then went and picked up a couple of clothes for the twins. We were going to Maryland, which was generally very cold. I wanted to make sure that they had onesies and warm clothes. I didn't know if it would snow, and I didn't want the twins to get sick.

M: Adds whats with all the warm clothes

A: We're going to Maryland next week

N: To see Lisa?

A: Yes, next week last year, I found out I was pregnant in Bryce's childhood bedroom. Bryce thought it was a good idea to come full circle.

N: That's so exciting. So I'm guessing last night went extremely well.

A: Yes, I got laid. Which I haven't been in like four months. So you could imagine it was amazing.

We went up to the cashier and began to pay for everything. We then began to walk on rodeo drive back to the car. We wanted to avoid paparazzi at all costs because Nessa was tiny and pregnant. Which meant it was easy for her to get hit or something to happen to her. 

Bryce POV:

I put the twin into their crib at sway. I was gonna keep them downstairs, but Amelie and Blake were watching a movie. Of course, Amelie had offered to watch them, but it wasn't her job too. She had come to hang out with Blake, and she would. I grabbed the baby monitor and walked into my old room. I began to grab boxes and filled my things inside of the box.

I knew if Nessa and Josh weren't moving out, they would move downstairs. Seeing that the nursery was across from my room. In the beginning, the boys had built the nursery for any time I needed them to watch the twins or if I needed it to stay. But, know it was time for Josh to have this room.

As I begin to move things out of my room. I heard Amara crying on the monitor. I went to grab her. But, Blake was in the nursery.  

Bl: I got her. 

B: Are you sure?

Bl: Of course

I went back into the room and picked up the picture Addison and I took when she found out she was pregnant.  It's crazy to think that it's been almost a year since everything has happened. Now our twins were almost crawling. We had overcome so much within this year. One day we would be able to tell the twins the story of our lives. We would also be able to tell them about their older sibling. 

Addison and I had always said that no matter how many kids we had. It was important for them to know about their big sibling. Because they were the ones that touched our hearts, but we never got to meet.

I then picked up the shadow box. I remember when Addison gave me the box when we arrived at Joshua Tree. It was our first trip we had taken when I got back. Addison had planned everything down to a tee. As little as the shadow box. The truth is, when Addison and I separated, the shadow box was the first thing I grabbed. It was one of the only things that gave me hope that we would find our way back to each other. And we did, not for the twins. But, for us. 

As I was cleaning, I heard Addison and the girls come through the door. I picked up Carter and grabbed the bottle he had made for him. I began to feed Carter as Amelie had Amara in her arms.  We knew we were about to find out what Nessa and Josh were having. I had a bet that it was a boy. Blake thought it was a girl.

N: We are having a boy

B: Good blake, you owe me $20

Bl: I should have known.

Addison walked over to me and kissed me. She informed me that she had bought the twin's clothes for Maryland. I knew she was as excited as I was to go to Maryland. It was always the best to get away from our normal lives. 

Blake then took Carter out of my arms. I know he was deciding that Addison and I could get some alone time. My friends always gave Addison and me the alone time we needed. I was appreciative of that. But, I was more appreciative of the family time I got with the twins. 

I walked Addison into my old room.  And she pulled out the clothes she had bought for them. They were all so adorable. Addison always picked out amazing things. She was an amazing mother.

She then got up and began to look around my room. She then began to touch the wall, the table, and the bed.

A: I remember the first time we came inside of hereafter Joshua Tree. Everyone was so angry that we left without telling anyone. We had just put the video out, and everyone was surprised. We came back to your room decorated filled with letters written by our friends.

B: And they filled my room with pictures of us

A: We've come a long way. 

B: I wouldn't want it any other way

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